Catching up on the 2021 Challenge at SuperMax 2.27.2021

QIC: Burns

Date: 2.27.2021

PAX: Van Gogh, The Jerk, Hot Wax, Burns


YHC fell behind the past week or two on two key exercises in the #2021challenge, so I figured what better way to catch up on them than at the workout designed specifically to maximize reps of a small number of exercises?

After a short WoR – SSH, IST, Whirlys, Shoulder sequence – we moseyed to some dry ground for the thang.

10 burpees, 10 WWIIs, run a lap

20 burpees, 20 WWIIs, run a lap

30, 40, 30, 20, 10, 20, time’s up. Van Gogh made it through another set of 10 while the rest of us finished up the final set of 20.  Thus, everyone left having done 180 burpees & 180 WWIIs, excepting VG who did 190 of each. Not bad for a 45 min beatdown

It was nice getting to know Hot Wax and The Jerk – both of them got after it and we were able to have some nice 2nd F as well. Two stellar dudes who are great additions to the #dashpax.  Hot Wax also posted at Parliament this week – he seems to be hooked! The Jerk is pushing through a knee injury and that didn’t slow him down much at all.

After all that, I’m still behind on the #2021challenge but made a dent in the catching up process.

Prayers were raised for a pair of Emmas in the ROCC youth group – one battling multiple cancerous tumors and undergoing chemo, and one who has recently taken on the use of a walker as she grows up with muscular dystrophy. We also prayed for VG’s strength and wisdom as a father as his kids, his daughter in particular, continue to grow up.