Monday Murph @ The Iron Throne 2.22.2021

QIC: Burns

Date: 2.22.2021

PAX: Zima, Lois Lane, Green Acres, Crash, Van Gogh, Huckleberry, Michael Bolton, Lace, Burns


YHC did not want to try too hard to come up with anything crazy for The Iron Throne this morning, due to the constant wet weather that has washed out the big field (can’t wait to put it to use) and added a hint of annoyance to any work in parking lots. But, knowing that there is an abundance of pull up apparati around the AO, I mapped out the run distances for a Murph to kick off week 9 of 2021.

Pax showed up to a brief rain shower, so we congregated under the bus line overhang and got our bodies loose with some pre-launch stretching and some easy MC. YHC took a moment to explain the beatdown to any pax who missed the preblast, and then we quickly proceeded to gettin our Murph on.

WoR: SSH, Michael Phelps, and Toy Soldiers all x15 IC.

Run – 1 mile. Around the back of the school to the playground and 4x around the dirt track

100 pullups, 200 merkins, 300 squats

Run – 1 mile. 6.25 laps around the dirt track.

YHC had some music going and a EMOM timer for when pax finished up.  3 burpees and AMRAP WWIIs EMOM until time.


Thankfully the rain got out of there and it wasn’t TOO too cold, so the pax were all able to dominate.

Green Acres RIRO’d a Murph. Savagery.

Van Gogh got there early and got some EC miles in as well. Also savagery, but VG wasn’t the war daddy today so it’s not that cool.

Huckleberry was a few reps in front of YHC for most of the morning which gave me some good motivation to push through. That is, until Zima came over and borrowed his pull up bar which knocked Huck off his pace.

Speaking of Zima, he did the whole thing with a weighted vest.

Lace finished in under 30 minutes. Look for him to continue his robotic destruction of any beatdown you put in front of him until the Iron Pax Committee dissolves out of shame.

Michael Bolton is yet to miss an #IronThrone beatdown, and has begun adding other AOs to his weekly mix. It’s been fun getting to know him and he was chiming in on some MC this morning while making the Murph his you-know-what.

Crash has been meaning to get to more AOs throughout the week, too, but chose the wrong morning to come to Iron Throne. Sorry buddy. He still got through all the reps without much of a problem, from the looks of things.

Lois Lane may or may not have done the Murph this morning. I saw him during WoR and then again doing EMOM work and that’s about it. Quietly got after it and dominated!

Site Q Tigger was the subject of much speculation this morning. Did he rescind a HC?? (He admitted as much afterwards). Missed having you out there, my man.

After we finished up we walked back to launch for CoT. Many thanks and praises were given for our impact on the community through this weekend’s blood drive (129 lives saved from 43 units of blood) and our continued work with GreeNest. YHC took us out.

1 Comment

  • Mike Brewer
    February 22, 2021 10:51 pm

    Savage? Idiot? Depends on who you ask. 🤣. Zima’s the savage with that weight vest! 😳Just happy I got all the way through the 100-200-300. And I’m adding “inverted lunges” as demonstrated by Huck at my next Q! 🤣. Great workout, Burns! Thanks for the push.
    Green Acres

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