Sexual Chocolate Lockdown
QIC: Van Gogh
Date: 02/06/2021
PAX: Drama Queen (WD), Subfloor, Hot Wax, Former FNG Swede (Robert Reece), Former FNG Aflac (Billy Bowen), Crash Test Dummy, Bullwinkle, Huckleberry, Zima, Sour Mash, Schneider, Van Gogh (QIC) (2ndF only: Cheesesteak, Root Canal, Boo Boo, Ziggy Stardust, Spicoli)
For the second week of Alcatraz bootcamp, it just so happened to align with a surprise release of 2021 Secular Chocolate from Foothills! It’s an honored tradition of YHCs to lead a themed beatdown in the beers honor when it’s released. It worked out perfect this time around, with the beer going up for sale Friday so I could pick some up to enjoy with the rest of the guys at coffeeteria! The honored beatdown tends to be pretty brutal, and I think the PAX will agree that held true for today…
- Russian Twist x 20 IC
- Imperial Stormer Troopers x 20 IC
- SSH x 20 IC
The Thang
- ABV – 9.6%
- 4 Runs length of Lot, 24 Merkins at start
- 96 Merkins total
- 4 packs – 4 cans, 12oz
- Burpees x 12 OYO
- Big Boy Sit-ups x 12 OYO (DC)
- 4 rounds
- IBU – 75
- 75 Squat Thrusters
- SRM – 53
- 53 Goblet Squats
- BOMBERS – 22 oz Bottles that Sexual Chocolate is sold in! Get a rock, 22 reps of each, with a mosey and uphill Bear Crawl in between.
- Burpees w/Rock
- Overhead Press w/Rock
- Merkins
- Boulder Curls
- Extended Tricep Press w/Rock
- Russian Twist w/Rock
- Squats w/Rock
- Mosey to start
- Freddy Mercs x 12 IC
- Low Flutter x 12 IC
- Heels to the heavens x 12 IC
- The Thistle x 1,2,3,4,5 Merkins
- TClaps to Hot Wax and Subfloor for coming back!!
- Swede, Former FNG Robert Reece, works in emergency management and was a firefighter for 20 years. His name comes from a movie quote referenced by Sour Mash during the beatdown. The quote was Heartbreak Ridge: “It’s all a question of mind over matter. We no longer mind, ’cause, you don’t matter.” Swede knew the obscure quote, which impressed Mash, Robert also happens to be a big, tall man like Swede in the movie… other names were Fire Starter, Backdraft, and EMS. Or is it THE Swede?
- Aflac, Former FNG Billy Bowen, works in insurance (workers compensation) and is a huge Clemson fan. Possible names were Roll Tide, Flow, and Payout
- YHC took us out lifting up any unspoken prayer requests and asking to be a light in our community, and shine upon those who need it.
- The PAX explored the AO a bit more today, using the front lot for a run, the side lot for our 4 pack and rocks, the back hill for bear crawls, and the blocks in the back gravel lot.
- 1.5 miles total, and lots of 2021 challenge work: 133 merkins, 70 burpees (including blockees), 75 squats, 75 thrusters (if you count those as squats), and 48 WWIIs.
- DQ kept reminding YHC to make it FNG friendly… lots of modification options were given. #Respect
- The new guy, Aflac, said he had never done this many push ups.
- New guy, Swede, said he might need help getting into his vehicle after.
- Crash Test Dummy made the burpees look easy, coming back strong from his knee injury.
- Huck Double HCed to get YHC at VI Monday and messaged he was stuck at his breakfast table… scared about VI now.
- Subfloor’s wife took notice of his biceps after last week and was back for more today!!
- Hot Wax also returned and is looking to start branching out during the week to other AOs.
- Sour Mash was throwing out good one liners all day, YHC was sure to make sure he remembered how to do Curls after the many we did last week (which he repeatedly said left his arms useless).
- Schneider stuck with the7 oclock only this week and was put in front all morning. You need to come to SuperMax next week to slow down dude !
- Zima loved our block work so much that he broke a block on purpose. He did seem to have some remorse (but like, Zima remorse so not much).
- SIXTEEN PAX stayed for coffeeteria, including Cheesesteak, Root Canal, Boo Boo, Ziggy Stardust, and Spicoli who came to join in for coffee brought by Bullwinkle and some 2021 Sexual Chocolate!
- Coffeeteria yielded discussion of a 5 minute Bible study, talk of bourbon, F3 Mocksville, and introductions between our new PAX. It was awesome and I want to see it continue.
Men, truly, thank you for posting. It means a lot to have yall here at this new AO at my home church, which had been transformative in my life. It makes my heart swell with pride to see so many River Oaks members attending F3 and I hope it continues! The keys will be here for 60 minutes next week!
Van Gogh

Sexual chocolate coffeeteria