There’s a YMCA literally right here

QIC: Bueller?

Date: 03/01/21

PAX: Snake Eyes, Suede, Harden, Boomerang, Bluto, Bueller?

6 PAX posted to a warm and wet gloom located right outside the YMCA. YHC found out last week that the YMCA is actually a facility specifically designed for exercise. Who knew! During YHC’s inside visit to the YMCA last we week, he found that there are a number of exercises that one can do inside of that facility. Today, I thought that I’d share with the PAX what wonderous things I learned last week from INSIDE the facility.



Abe Vigoda x 5 IC

IST x 10 IC

SSH x 10 IC

Seal Clap x 10 IC

Burpee x 5 OYO



52-card pickup .. using a well shuffled deck of cards

Diamonds = Low Slow Flutter .. for swimming in the pool

Spades = Freddie Mercury .. for spin class

Hearts = SSH .. for cardio class

Clubs = Superman .. did I mention there is a pool?

Card number = number of reps

Jack and Queen = run short route, King = run long route, Ace = burpees x 5 oyo

*(Omaha half way though to change face cards to upper body work (merkins, etc.)).



Parker peter x 10 IC

Mountain climbers x 15 IC                    *courtesy of Snake Eyes

Heels to heaven x 10 IC                          *courtesy of Suede

Mutton Crunch x 10 IC each side       *courtesy of Harden

Windshield Wipers x 15 IC                    *courtesy of Bluto

Peter parker x 10 IC

Ring of Fire x 1 round                             #crowdpleaser, it’s the new pull-my-finger joke!



Announcements: Starfish has the Q at VI next week.

Prayer requests: Mothers of a few specified PAX battling cancer right now.

Others continue to struggle with anxiety and uncertainty with our current world.


Thanks gents for the workout today. Joking aside, I’m glad to have this group in my life to provide so much more than just the YMCA facilities could provide. Keep it up!