Gonna Be A Good Day

QIC: Toe Tag

Date: 4/20/21

PAX: Dr Toot (WD), Cheesesteak, Bevo, Honey Badger, Lambchop, Work Bench, Burns, Van Gogh

Flatline. What was YHC thinking? This would be the second Q in a week and hopefully YHC could survive this one while still giving the Pax a semblance of a workout. Flatline is the non stop workout that goes right from the beginning with a group of hard chargers. YHC wanted to try something a little different that would keep the Pax together and still challenge them and also try to compete with the other great offerings of the day by Mongoose and Organ Grinder. There was some advertising for the other workouts and so YHC offered the best of the other workouts with none of the bad things from them. YHC promised an easy workout with no tests and no running and a good playlist. NO running at a constant movement workout? Seriously? It was either going to be a big success or a huge failure and it would all be on a short night of sleep. YHC had been trying to Q at Flatline and agreed to a date before the work schedule was out. YHC had the evening shift and was hoping to get out before midnight and was able to thanks to Pita. 

So, YHC rolled into the lot this morning and the pre run crew were there waiting. After a few minutes it was time and the music started and off we went. 

The Thang

The only running of the day was a Mosey to the parking garage and a rough circle up and the instructions for the day were given. We were going to do 60 seconds of an exercise and then move on to the next exercise. 

Round 1 

Alternating Shoulder Taps

High Knees

Pull Ups


Invisible Jump Rope

Handstand Wall Walk

Side Jumps

Single Leg Glute Bridge

Mountain Climbers

Low Flutter

Hanging Leg Raise (Toes to bar or Knees up)


Plank Jacks 

American Hammer

V Ups 

Round 2 


High Knees Arms Up (The Toot Wedding Dance)

Static Hold at Bottom of Squat

Invisible Jump Rope


Side Jumps 


Mountain Climbers

Static Hold Leg Lift

Hanging With Legs Up

Static Lunge R/L

Star Plank 

American Hammer

Static V Up

Round 3 

Alternating Shoulder Taps

High Knees

Pull Ups


Invisible Jump Rope

Handstand Wall Walk

Side Jumps

Single Leg Glute Bridge

Mountain Climbers

Low Flutter

Hanging Leg Raise (Toes to bar or Knees up)


Plank Jacks 

American Hammer

V Ups 



It was awesome to be out with such a great bunch of men out this morning and they were all getting after it today.

YHC made a mistake with the timer and ran over on the workout and the playlist was more than 45 min. Sorry for the extra work and YHC will have to upgrade the sundial timer app and will make it up to the Pax next time. 

Dr Toot displayed numerous dance moves during the workout and showed why he is always on top of everyone’s wedding guest list. And his incredible suspended dancing moves were in a class all by themselves. 

There were no Merkins or Burpees harmed in this workout and the only contribution to the 2021 challenge was a couple of rounds of Squats.

Cheesesteak was doing handstands without the wall.

Bevo was easily able to predict the next exercise and sailed through the workout. 

Workbench was crushing the Handstand Wall Walks.

Honey Badger didn’t even break a sweat and had to run into and run out from the workout  to try and get a workout. 

Lambchop cruised through workout. 

Cheesesteak made many modifications to make the work more difficult and he still made it look easy. 

Van Gogh was happy that there were Pull Ups on the docket, but the Plank Jacks didn’t work for his foot and the non WWII ab work doesn’t help his 2021 count. 

Burns had no problem with the work and was thinking that he should have ran farther on his pre run. 

The musical selections were pretty tame today with some old favorites making an appearance (Buena Vista Social Club, Wilco and Ganstagrass to name a few).


YHC took us out giving thanks for us all having the opportunity and ability to be out together this morning and asking for us to be the light in our communities to help us all be the best that we can be.  Realized today that YHC asks for prayer requests and then doesn’t repeat them for us all at the end during prayers. Sorry about that. Prayers were requested for NIghtstick’s family who are dealing with a recurrence of cancer in their daughter. Also, remember Lambchop and his wife as they are going in for some testing. 

It was an honor and a pleasure to lead this morning and I really appreciate all of you showing up and supporting YHC.