No Drama Just Queen

QIC: Drama Queen

Date: 04/22/2021

PAX: PITA, Hedwig, Starfish, Boomerang, D Day, Green Acres, Whirly, Rust Bucket, Mongoose, DQ

YHC realized I would not be able to keep a Qmittment for Boomerang at TRQ on 5/6.  A trade was made with Turnover and Thursday came up fast this week.  There was an old plan in the back of my mind that some variation had once been used at Purgatory.  Hmm same location … this could work.  However, last time YHC had Plunger on music duty.  No problem I got this.

I Spotified a playlist of Queen music and recalled some of the exercises that kinda fit with each song.  This would be easy. Usually the TRQ crowd is pretty laid back.  First problem the playlist was not timed.  I remembered Bohemian Rhapsody being very long – that would take a lot of time.  We’d be lucky just to finish.

The second problem was apparent when YHC exited the car.  The pax was quite the motley crew featuring PITA ( I always feel like I should capitalize every letter) long lost Hedwig, music expert Starfish, strong MCers Boomerang, D Day, and Rust Bucket, the true respect respect Green Acres, and the Surly one himself.

The theme was announced, the mission statement and core principles skipped and the music began – oh wait the speaker was still in the car.  Did I mention Plunger handled the music last time?

Mongoose stepped up and led SSHs while the speaker was located.  Music take two.  Warmups were to Bohemian Rhapsody with variation of exercises as song changes musical styles.  That kinda worked as planned.  We then started to mosey to the rocks whereupon Whirly arrived at Spicoli time.  We did not redo warmup for him however in retrospect that would have been a good idea.

Pax selected a rock of their choosing for the next tune which almost all guessed would be We Will Rock You.  Exercise was 10/10/10 repeating of curls, OH press and skull crushers until song finished. Unfortunately, the extended version with We Are The Champions was not downloaded so that was the end of the rocks…or so we thought.

Next we partnered up.  P1 bear crawled up driveway while P2 did hand release merkins.  Flap jack upon P1s return.  This repeated until end of song which no one guessed after that exercise description.  Of course, it was Another One Bites The Dust.  This was a real crowd pleaser as most got in 3ish rounds.

Next up Fat Bottomed Girls which led to a Lt Dan style lunge/squat trip around the circle.  We somewhat kept a 1:4 ratio and increased with 2:8, 3:12, etc.

Plenty of time left so back to We Will Rock You with different exercises.  Bus drivers, Bent over rows and tater sacks aka elf on shelf aka the Haas.  Believe we did 2 of these and one more of the first set. Rocks up for good.

But just enough time for Another One Bites the Dust reprise.  Lunge walk was the omahaed mode of transport for P1.  HR merkins stayed the same and they were just as hard even with no bear crawls.

Finally back to start for final song, Bicycle Race called correctly by Starfish.  YHC started Mary off with of course The Freddie Mercury, other pax including Starfish, Boomerang, DDay and Green Acres and perhaps one more also called an exercise before I put us out of our misery and stopped the music.


I’ve pretty much covered it above.  The MC was coming from multiple directions with this All Star cast.  Most was ignored although we did get in both sides several times just for Boomerang.

Good to see a few old faces – PITA for the second time in a week after a long time, Hedwig and his ever present smile, and Whirly who about this time last year I rode with to Roanoke to buy a bike.

Speaking of old – 3 double respects in attendance today.


Q School 5/15 – seemed directed at today’s Q. Perhaps they will teach how to play music during your Q

Starfish needs Qs and pax for Greenest 5/1 and 5/15

Blood Drive 7/3 more deets coming from Splash and D Day

There is some other volunteer opp that BAM has put out there that D Day seemed to know a little about.  See Slack or BAM not D Day.


Sour Mash and Schneider’s mother

Starfish’s parents in their new living arrangement

Think that was it but if I missed something please comment

YHC took us out

Always an honor – DQ