A Conspiracy about Predator movie facts

QIC: Spicoli

Date: 5/12/2021

PAX: Mutton (WD), Palin, Red Baron, Razzie, Lambchop (WB), Spicoli

With the threat of rain forecasted for YHC’s Q, I decided to promote a “tough” workout by claiming it was Predator themed, in hopes it would bring folks out looking to test themselves.  Or something.  Plus there are some pretty great quotes from the movie Predator.

But I digress: 3 PAX were onsite already when I arrived talking about the seemingly self-made gas shortage developing in NC.  Putting gas in plastic bags was severely frowned upon…

Warmara included SSHs, IW, Abe Vigotas all IC, plank with shoulder taps, mountain climbers

Mosey to the Intimidator

YHC Called for BWIMPS, that’s BLIMPS with a substitution of WWII’s for Lunges.  Still behind on the count for Burn’s 20210 challenge over here…  YHC was disappointed that a few PAX didn’t even know what BLIMPS are, nevermind the substituted alternative that I just made up.

For the masses: BLIMPS =

B =Burpees
I=Imperial Walkers
P=Plank Jacks

Count of each exercise could vary but I’ve always done 5-10-15-20-25-30.

Once all the confusion was out of the way, BWIMPS were done at each designated stop as we ascended the Intimidator: at the bottom, Jersey, The Forbidden neighborhood on the right, Carolina, and top at Glade (total of 5 stops).  YHC gave the crew a rest by not immediately doing repeato at the top and at Carolina, but we got in 3 more BWIMPS by the time we reached the bottom.

Mosey to the playground for some PT exercises YHC is supposed to do every day:

  • Inclined Alabama Prom dates (Glute bridge with feet elevated on the wall or benches)
  • Calf raises

Broga facing East

  • Hand step ups on stairs

Mosey back to the parking lot.

Donezo. Thank you for the opportunity to lead.


  • Q School this Saturday, May 15th @7am at Alcatraz
  • State of the PAX June 5th at 7am at Jamison Park


YHC took us out giving thanks for the community of brothers who encourage each other to get better and press on.  Special blessings upon those expecting children and trying to have children, and asking patience and resolve for parenting children through the difficulties life presents each of us.


  • Red Baron is unstoppable with BWIMPS, but like the Predator
  • Lambchop said at the beginning: “We did enough Burpees yesterday (Flatline by Boomerang’s Q).”  Little did he know that my 2.0, #ChitChat, requested that I “torture” the PAX with burpees.  Well I didn’t do that but got in a decent number.
  • Palin asked what do blimps have to do with the Predator movie, as we were ascending the Intimidator.  YHC started with the stone cold, hard facts about the movie that may or may not be completely made up.  Such as when Dutch’s team of commandos drops into the jungle riding the Goodyear Blimp.  Y’all remember that, right?!
  • Mutton just works hard and keeps rolling without complaints.  #Respect
  • Razzie showed up on #SpicoliTime which just one more reason to love that guy. #OurTime