A Morning Sunrise

QIC: Lamb Chop

Date: 5/19/2021

PAX: Cherry Pie, Red Baron, Palin

As I thought last night about what I wanted to accomplish in the morning, I was struck with the inspiration of viewing a sunrise all while executing a beat down. Thus the quest to find the sunrise began.

Warm O Rama

20 SSH

10 Abe Vigoda

20 Squats

10 Whirly

The Thang

Mosey to the track for a quick lap then up the hill, through the tunnel, past the picnic benches, to the circle at Reynolds High school where there might not be a better view of the sunrise in all of Winston.

With our faces towards the east and our rears facing west, we reverse lunged to the base of the theater where we did 1 burpee. Then lunge walked to the other side of the parking lot, 2 burpees. Reverse lunge walk, 3 burpees, all the way up to 5 and then back down to 1.

Then we partnered up for some Dora. 100 merkins, 200 WWII, 300 squats. Partner A ran around the circle, Partner B completed the exercise.

Then we ran to the picnic benches for a quick set of dips interrupted by Erkins, Merkins, and Derkins.

We then moseyed back to start for Mary. 10 Mutton Crunches each side in honor of my uncle. Red Baron took us through Freddy Mercury. Palin took us through high and low (and half way up/down) planks.


Prayers of praise for good test results for Lamb Chop and his M.


I have wanted to see the sunrise for a while now, but we normally are finishing the workout before the sun is fully up. But this AM we timed it perfectly and got to see it in all of its brilliance! If you Q Conspiracy, highly recommend a stop off to see it Palin complained that the street lights were obscuring his view (but he got over it). We did not Arm Swirly Things since Cherry Pie was there, although Palin begged me to do them. Red Baron did Red Baron things and I just enjoyed being out there with this small group of men.


Lamb Chop