Shoulders and Boulders at TRQ

QIC: Turnover

Date: 5.6.21

PAX: Green Acres (WD) , Whirly , Goofy , Argyle , Mongoose , Cherry Pie , Ziggy Stardust , Wobegon , D-Day , Turnover (WB, Q)

About 7 of us were gathered at 0529, and by 0530 @Green Acres had arrived via his typical RIRO option and Cherry Pie (!!) had Dukes Of Hazzard’d into the parking lot just in time.

Warm O Rama

Abe Vigoda’s (0532 – Argyle arrives)

ASTs (sorry, CP)

Slow mosey to parking lot for the beginning of


Beginning at the first island, PAX would perform 10 Merkins, 10 WW2s, and 10 Squats at each island.

The mode of transportation down the length of the parking lot was Lunge Walks

Once we made it to the last island/end of the parking lot, the PAX were asked to form a single file line facing away from the road, headed to the rock pile for:

Bear Crawl Indian Run

PAX lined up in single file line and assumed the plank position. The PAX at the back of the line then bear crawled from the back to the front and we continued that pattern from the beginning of the parking lot to the end of the school building (this was a point of confusion for some)

Once we had bear crawled past the END of the brick wall, we slow moseyed to the rock pile

PAX were instructed to grab a medium large rock and circle up

We exercised the 4th core principle and did a little “peer led” session

1 PAX would go to the center of the circle to perform 10 Man Makers, but would also choose the exercise the other PAX were to perform whilst the PAX in the middle completed said Man Makers

Exercises: Heavy Freddies, Bus Drivers, Squats, Curls, OH Press, BO Row, American Hammers, Chest Press, Tri Ext, and CP’s submission was a “Pick rock up, twist torso to left side, put rock down, stand up straight, pick rock up, twist torso to right side, put rock down” series of motions. It was mostly confusing to YHC, but I appreciated the ever-creative Cherry Pie mixing it up.

After everyone had a chance to do their Man Makers, we returned our rocks and slow moseyed to the wall.

PAX assumed people’s chair and starting at one end, each pax would perform 20 Jack Reachers then the next PAX would take over. We went from one end down to the other and all the way back.

Running out of time, so we finished up with one of YHC’s favorite circuits: the Descending Donkey Kick/Merkins Circuit (that’s a working title)

10 donkey kicks on the wall, 2 Merkins

9 donkey kicks on the wall, 2 Merkins

Follow that pattern all the way down to 1

Almost at time, so mosey back to launch for 1 minute of WW2s OYO



Blood Drive July 3rd (Red Cross Code: F3 Winston)

Q School next Saturday (May 15) at Alcatraz

State of the PAX: June 15th at Jamison Park

Forsyth Co Dept of Health moved their vaccination site to the Health Center (799 Highland Ave)

BOLO: kids should be eligible to get Pfizer Vaccine starting next week. Ages 12-15. Check Wake appts, Novant appts etc.

Prayer Requests

Argyle’s Job search

YHC took us out lifting up the spoken and unspoken prayer requests and asking for the reminder that we can always cast our burdens on Him.

Always an honor to lead. Thanks to everyone who posted. I left the key under Rust Bucket’s rock, @Boomerang.




  • Burns
    May 6, 2021 2:06 pm

    I submit ‘The Shrek’ for your donkey kick/merkin combo. Or the ‘Eddie Murphy.’

  • Spamalot
    May 6, 2021 10:03 pm

    And in the morning, we’ll have waffles!

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