6 count

QIC: huckleberry

Date: 6.24.21

PAX: Bullwinkle, Zima, Ziggy, Boomerang, Mongoose, Greenacres, Wobegon, Workbench

9 PAX gathered on this cool morning for a Huckleberry TRQ.  WIB pax were also there and tension was palpable but all got along.  0530 – YHC completes mission statement for everyone and starts Warm o rama

SSH, Greenspan called a stretchy thingy exercise that lasted forever, yhc called a traditional Imperial Walker, Greenspan called cherry pies (to which cherry pie complained and did burpees), yhc went traditional again with merkins.

WIB go to your corner.

TRQ mosey to the rock pile (it is the rock quarry) – we had to stop in the parking lot to allow the WIB crowd pass and get to the field.  grab a parking space for 4 corners – 5 merkins in one corner, bear crawl to next corner, 4 merkins, ……to one.  round 2 – squats with duck walk.

WIB is out of the way, mosey to rock pile.

grab a medium sized rock.  “no we will not be running with the rock” x 4 was stated – this is going to be a long morning.

Round 1 – deadlift, bent over row, front raise on a 6 count IC x 9.  10 moving merkins on your rock.  Deadlift, bent over row, front raise on 6 count IC x 8.  10 merkins on your rock.  continue down to 5 IC with 10 moving merkins between each round.

Round 2 – curl, overhead press, skull crusher on a 6 count IC x 9.  10 WWIIs.  alternate down to 5 reps with 10 WWIIs between each round.

return your rocks and mosey back to the planter box near start.

the plan – 10 burpee box jumps on the planter followed by 10 squaty pottys on each side of the planter.  Turns out there is not enough space to do a burpee on the side of the planter. OMAHA – 10 squatty pottys followed by 10 box jumps on each side.  round 2 – 5 dips on each side but mosey around the planter while staying in the dip position.  round 3 – derkins x 5 on each side but mosey around planter with feet on the planter and hand walk with hands on the ground.

MARY – low flutter x 15 IC, LBC x 15 IC, peter parker x 10 OYO, penguin crunch x 15 IC, freddy merk x 15 IC, parker peters x 10 OYO.  finish with hucks 3 merkins.

WIB joined us for COT.

announcements – JULY 3 convergence at Hanes (super max at 6, all other workouts at 7).  July 3 blood drive.  July 5 convergence at Iron Throne – double down opportunity with multiple start times.  Workbench has VQ on Saturday at supermax!!

prayers – becky (co-worker with Lysol) lost her husband, Giles and his M and family. YHC took us out.



the WIB crowd made several comments to the TRQ crowd during the workout – it did not seem nice but i am not sure what was said.

Mongoose questioned Zimas hair and headband – basically a chicken or egg discussion.

Boomerang was caught staring out into the sky at one point – yhc asked if he was okay and i received a head nod and he resumed lifting his huge rock.

the pax struggled with the 6 count to start.  well, they struggled the entire time.  but everyone got in some shoulder work.

greenacres wore his badass black tank this morning.  we were all jealous.

everyone pushed hard and got in all the reps. strong group and it was a pleasure to lead.

Boomerang – greenspan stole the keys.


1 Comment

  • Green Acres
    June 25, 2021 1:49 pm

    Still trying to get through a Huckleberry Q without stopping to rest a bit or cheat a little. #lifegoals. Great beatdown! 👏

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