New recruits

QIC: Red Baron

Date: 6-2-21

PAX: Razzie, mutton, lamb chop, cherry pie, Swiss miss, Big Pharma, litter box, Van Gogh, QIC Red Baron

9 pax showed up for conspiracy this morning, but we were in store for a few more! Thanks to our main man Van Gogh who recruits with the best of them, we were joined by some new firefighter recruits who needed a little warm up before they embarked on their new journey!! We introduced F3 and we then started back to our warm up!
Warm up

SSH X 20

Imperial Storm Troopers X 20

Abe vigota x 10

whirly w/ clap x 10

arm swirly x 10

overhead clap x 10

ATM’s 4count.

mosey to track

Start at halfway point down one side.

jog to turn 1

Bear crawl to turn 2 ( we changed to a Indian bear crawl)

jog to halfway point 25 merkins

jog to turn 3

lunge walk to turn 4

jog back to start 25 squats

We repeated 3 1/2 laps, decided to Omaha to next workout.
Pull up bars

5chin ups/ 5 pull ups/ 5 knee raises/ hold for 20secs. 2 rounds


Van Gogh’s cousin has moved to Winston and prayers for him to get connected into the community.