Supermax to Alcatraz

QIC: Bullwinkle

Date: 6/19/2021

PAX: Fender, Crash, Van Gogh, Zima, Footclan, subfloor, rustbucket, FNG Keaggy, ziggy stardust and sea-man

For SuperMax Fender, Crash, Van Gogh, Zima, Footclan and YHC all got to have the opportunity strain for a spartan race. We all did a short run about 0.5 miles to find some two cinder blocks (CBs) to carry them around rest of the morning. After finding the we walking with about 300 yards to where we’ll start doing burpees and WW2. YHC kept Van Gogh request to only have 4 or less exercises at Supermax. We farmers carried two 35lbs CBs for about 20yrd did 5 burpees, did this 3 time then did 15 WW2. We got in about 130 burpees and 130 WW2 and farmer carried for about 0.5 miles.

Alcatraz Van Gogh stayed for a double down with YHC. 10 mins before 0700 we started to wonder if anyone else was going to show. Van Gogh even asked if I brought some bourbon so we could workout our livers. a few mins after that Subfloor showed, along with rustbucket, FNG Keaggy, ziggy stardust and sea-man.

Exercises were Bear Crawls, murder bunnies, with 50 each of WW2, Merkins, skull-crushers, overhead press, arm curls.