The ABC Workout: Always Be Complaining


Date: 06/26/2021

PAX: Greenacres, Zima, Mongoose, Boomerang, D-Day, Bam, Wobegon, Burlap, Transcript, Woodpecker, SuperFly, Lemming, High Cotton, Splash, Parque, Blood Sport, Giles, Argyle

This by no means was a Q that I was mentally prepared to come back for.  Immediately D-Day blows up my whole Q by asking me to recite the Mission Statement…of which I was not even able to get the first 3 words out.  COMPLETE BLANK!  Lack of sleep is real man!


So like I have learned through the years, Q to the best of your abilities…which for today, was not saying a lot.  As the clock turned 7am, someone yelled out “Side Straddle Hops?”  Which I replied with a “NO.”  My heel is still questionable so I lead us through some stretches in which my cadence was not up to par either…instilling a ton of confidence in these men for what was about to come in the next hour.


I had everyone “mosey” but really walk to one of the corners of the parking lot where I somewhat explained the rules.  One thing that has not changed, no matter how clear and easy the rules are, 1/3 of the PAX will make it more complicated.  I told everyone to find a partner, and with it being a odd number, I made it a group of 3 with the young guns.  Both of which I get each a six-sided dice, one which was ALL GREEN, and the other that was WHITE AND BLUE (3 sides White/3 sides Blue).  Bloodsport had the W/B dice, and Parque got the Green one.  Here are the Rules:


– The Green Dice represented whether you worked with your partner or alone.  Even numbers was split the number with your partner and Odd meant you took on the number all by yourself.

– The Blue and White Dice represented squats and merkins.  Blue meant 50 Merkins and White meant 100 Squats.  (No matter what the number was, always those numbers)


In our first corner, we had an odd number on the Green Dice and a Blue side on the other dice.  Meaning, EVERYONE do 50 merkins OYO.  I will just say, Zima was not a fan of this.  Once we ALL completed 50 Merkins, we moved counter-clockwise to the next corner.  I had the Youths roll again…only to roll the same outcome, so…50 Merkins more OYO.   This time, more than Zima complained.  We proceeded to move around the parking lot (never leaving for the whole hour) mixing in partner Merkins with each partner doing 25, and partner squats with each doing 50.  One time we did have the unfortunate roll of 100 Squats OYO…my legs still hurt.  Our theme music was hits by Queen and after we completed our 1st loop, Bicycle Race came on and Zima suggested we should do Freddy Mercs…so I obliged.  I started the song over again and made all the Pax do Freddy Merc’s  for the WHOLE SONG!  Zima did not make any more suggestions for the rest of the morning.


After dice committee agreed that we should do 3 total laps, we stopped with just enough time to do 10 minutes of EMOM Mary.  No breaks, just ab cramping.




Prayer Request:

Boomerang’s Sister

Giles’s Wife


Thank you all for giving me grace as I seemed like i needed to go back to Q school.  I hope it all comes back before the next Q.  Lemming, well I never took the keys as we never left the parking lot, but thanks for letting me see them. 🙂

1 Comment

  • Burlap
    June 29, 2021 8:33 am

    This shoulder-heavy merkin workout was made worthwhile by Bevo’s backblast including this truth: “no matter how clear and easy the rules are, 1/3 of the PAX will make it more complicated.”

    Difficulty lifting my arms on Sunday.

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