The State of the Pax is Strong

QIC: Spamalot

Date: 06/05/21

PAX: The Pony Express, Burlap, Airbag, Bulldog, Lemming, Closer, Bueller, Woodpecker, DDay, SubFloor, Cheesesteak, Spicoli, Boomerang, Greenacres (WD), Splash, Bluto, Argyle, Burns (WB), Giles, Drama Queen, Dr. Toot, Bam, Mutton, Drip, Undertow, Offsides, Sgt. Schultz, Ziggy Stardust, Bullwinkle, The Jerk, Android, Huckleberry, Zima, Zima kid 1, Zima kid 2, Spamalot (QIC)

Several months ago, an idea was hatched – let’s have an annual “state of the pax” event.  A shorter workout, followed by comments by leadership.  With the wheels in motion, plans were arranged.  Coffeeteria would be provided, and YHC volunteered to lead the workout.  A morning full of Spam!  What could be better?

The location:  Jamison Park

The second Pax to arrive was Greenacres.  Via car.  YHC did not know that he owned a motor vehicle.  Just assumed he ran everywhere.  The Pax arrived in numbers.  By car, truck, bike, and foot.  Ages ranged from the single digits up to the mid-60s.


At the top of the hour (7am), the Mission Statement of F3 was recited.


Then – 1st Core Principle (Free of Charge)

SSH x 15 IC


2nd Core Principle recited (Open to all men)

IST x 15 IC (hi Zima)


3rd Core Principle (Held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold).

YHC totally botched this one, instead giving the 4th Core Principle.

Penalty time – 5 Burpees OYO

Squats x 15 IC


4th Core Principle (led by its members, on a rotating basis, no certification)

Merkins x 15 IC


5th Core Principle (ends with Circle of Trust)

Moroccan Night Clubs x 15 IC




Pax counted off by 4s.


Proceed to far parking lot and surrounding areas.  At each marked area, perform the exercise on the cardboard.  Begin with 5 reps.  Then proceed counter-clockwise to the next area, perform 10 reps of that exercise.  Continue this pattern until back at the exercise you started at.  Then increase reps to 15.  Continue this pattern until 20 reps cycle completed.  Then reverse down until 5 reps.


Exercise stations:



II – Merkins

III – Squats

IV – WWII Situps


After 30 minutes, all the Pax had completed the ladder.




Seriously cannot believe I butchered the 3rd Core Principle.  At least the Pax were understanding….

Per my watch, 1.16 miles covered in 30 minutes.  On point.

At the WWII station (under pavilion), there was a HUGE green moth of some sort.  HUGE

DDay, not satisfied with the workout, left and proceeded to run a 5k.  Well done.

Honored that the immediate past Nantan (Bluto) was there.

Lots of love from multiple Pax for Mutton and the work that Sutton Brothers does.  YHC just had the upstairs HVAC system replaced.  Quality work at reasonable prices.  Call them if you are in need.


Van Gogh, Huck, and Burns (maybe more) brought the coffeeteria.  Coffee, beer, biscuits, CFA were had.  Thanks boys!


State of the Pax – YHC gave an overview of all three Fs and what has been going on.  Suffice to say….a LOT is going on.  We managed the past 13 months as well as possible, and have begun to grow – in AOs and Pax.  Van Gogh has all sorts of numbers and data if you are interested.


YHC feels that we are at an important time for F3 Winston-Salem.   Our 1st F is strong, I am not worried about that.  We have an incredible opportunity to really accelerate our 2nd and 3rd F.  There are many examples (including The Work (sorry Spicoli!!) that were highlighted.


After almost 5 years as a member of this group, I have realized that our true power as a group lies in the 3rd F.  Specifically in making a difference in our community.  There are so many opportunities for us.  All it takes is for one man to raise his hand and voice it.  You are part of a group that is perfect for encouraging the idea and making it succeed.  Remember, this is a group that willingly gets up to workout at 5:30 in the morning…in the rain…in 30 degree weather.  We are men who spend 36 hours in a van running 200 miles…at night….over hills.  We are men who workout for 24 consecutive hours to help raise money for community organizations.


AND we are men who are not ashamed or afraid to show empathy, concern, and love for each other.  For me, that is what F3 is about.  We all need the reminder that we are not alone.  We all have the same wants and desires.  At times, we are all scared, anxious, and full of self-doubt.  Knowing that you are not alone helps.  Really helps.  I cannot express how much the texts, calls, and discussions meant to me when my Dad passed away last December.  Remember how that one time when the guys reached out to you when you needed it?  Well, right now there is someone who needs you to reach out.  So do it.  Today.


Thank you all for what you have given to me.  I am honored to be a part of this group and call you my brothers.


I love you all, and cannot wait to see what the future holds for us.











  • Burlap
    June 5, 2021 3:39 pm

    Great words, Spam Honored to be a part of this group.

  • Undertow
    June 6, 2021 10:01 pm

    Well said, Spam.

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