Hitting the Corners at TRQ

QIC: Ziggy

Date: 7/15/2021

PAX: Manscape, Boomerang, Burlap, Argyle, Goofy, Inkspot, Green Acres, D-Day, Super Fly, Gyles, Ziggy

This morning turned out to be a strong showing for the ‘respects’, with much accumulated wisdom (and years) among them!


We began with some ‘broga’ (sun salutations), then used various means of transportation to continue the warm up as we made our way to the rock pile.

SSH x 15

bear crawl or lunge walk to the next island

IST x 15

duck or lunge walk to the next island

Whirlies x 15

crab walk or lunge walk

Arm Swirly Things x 15

We finished the warm up with 11’s: alternating merkins and squats


Track Circuit:

All chose rocks and gathered at the track with the aim of completing pain stations at each corner. All exercises were 15 reps

1- Overhead pressĀ  / Kettle Bell Swings / WWII situpsĀ  / SSH

2-Squat Thrust / Chest Press / Freddie Mercury’s / High Knees

3-Curls / Upright Rows / American Hammers / Mountain Climbers

4-Skull Crushers / Bent Over Rows / Low Flutter / SSH

YHC is not known for his math skills and needed to ad a “5th corner” to finish up the circuit

5-Overhead Press / Kettle Bell Swings / WWII situps / Mountain Climbers

Return the rocks and mosey to the Parking Lot


Mutton Crunch / Penguin Crunch / LBCs / Low Flutters / Gas Pumps


Schmedfest in August

Greenest on Saturday needs volunteers

Kotters to Ink Spot! Great to see him out, and he reminded us how important it is to EH and encourage guys who haven’t posted in a while.


Pray for continued healing for Giles’s wife

YHC took us out thanking Him for this opportunity and grateful for the chance to become better together. Strong work by a group of inspiring men!

Boomerang, I may have left the keys somewhere on the track.