Schweaty work at SuperMaxx and Alcatraz

QIC: Spicoli

Date: 8/15/2021

PAX: SuperMaxx = Bullwinkle, Suede, Root Canal (WD), Crash, Workbench (WB), Van Gogh, Spicoli, Peterbilt (FNG)

Alcatraz = Van Gogh, Root Canal (WD), Drama Queen, The Jerk (WB), Subfloor, Crash, Spicoli

Originally the plan was YHC and my 2.0, ChitChat, would be leading SuperMaxx and Alcatraz in the same way Wobegon and BloodSport did last week.  But last minute vacation plans for him before school availed him of that fun and the PAX were left with little ole me.


SuperMaxx: 8 gathered for a simple format of getting in some work.  Suede brought out an FNG so my foggy recollection of the mission statement was put to the test.  We’ll give the disclosure a B-.  Always room for improvement.

Circle up and warmarama:  YHC still dealing with a hamstring issue thanks to the last time I did a two-fer on a Saturday in May, was trying not to get into the workout cold.

SSH, IW, Toy soldiers, Abe Vigodas, Squats, Merkins, Peter Parkers all IC.  5 WWII and 5 burpees OYO

The Thang:

Simple Plan which I’ll call Huckleberry’s revenge: Merkins and WWIIs at station 1, Burpees and Squats at station 2.  Bear Crawl from station 1 to station 2, Crawl Bear from station 2 to station 1.  Start with 10 of each exercise, add 10 each round up the 40.  Then count back down.  Option to run between stations if you wanted to get in more rounds.  No PAX took me up on this.

After VG (leading the way the whole morning) and YHC got to through the round of 4o, held up until the PAX joined and led them through some Broga as the sun was started to breach the tree line.


  • Suede brought out his friend Gabriel (didn’t get his last name written down. Q fail) who lives in Clemmons and moved here from Iraq then Sweden and he’s an electrical engineer.  A lot of Frozen references were made, and Swedish ones, but finally VG stuck with the engineering theme until Peterbilt was arrived upon.  Welcome Peterbilt!
  • Shmedfest 2021 =Friday, August 27, 2021 6:00 pm -Saturday, August 28, 2021 9:00 pm, Winston-Salem Fairgrounds, 414 Deacon Blvd, Winston-Salem, NC 27127
    • Register here for all the amazing events:

Prayers for Bullwinkle’s foot, All the kids returning to school, and the general safety of the community as COVID cases are increasing.  Suede took us out addressing those concerns


  • Asphalt at 6am was still warm.  YHC felt “cooler” when in the shade of a tree under a street light if that tells you about the conditions
  • Everyone was working hard to push through the suck.  It’s only 100 of each exercise doing the 4 rounds, but it felt a lot worse.  Especially for YHC when closing out round 3 (30 burpees, 30 squats) knowing a 4th round was coming.  Get out of your comfort zone.
  • Van Gogh and Dr. Toot led the way.  Strong strong work
  • Suede was a solid friend to Peterbilt encouraging him all the way through the workout.  Iron Sharpens Iron
  • Workbench is a work horse
  • Bullwinkle said his foot is having some issues, but I distinctly remember seeing him doing a seemingly effortless EC run before the workout.  #Strong
  • YHC’s hip and hamstring doesn’t allow a lot of running, but bear crawling is not terrible as an alternative, right?


Alcatraz: YHC needed to lay down and stretch.  Van Gogh said “Two minutes!” and then “Time!”.  Oof.  7 gathered as I peeled off the asphalt.

Warmarama: Take 2 at Mission statement.  Closer on target.

SSH, Hillbillies, Toy Soldier, Whirly with a clap, Merkins, Peter Parkers, Low flutter, Penguin Crunch all IC

The Thang:

Stepped over to the same area as SuperMaxx was held.  Started to describe the two station locations as I did before and got some groans from Toot and VG only to actually reveal:

DORA: 100 merkins, 200 squats, 300 Freddy Mercuries (DC).  Partner up.  Partner 1 does the exercise while Partner 2 runs and comes back.  Switch and collectively count. YHC was the odd man out but joined in with various partner exchanges.  Strong work by the PAX

Moseyed to the parking area next to the main church entrance for The Animal Walk.  YHC demoed bear crawl, crab walk, inch worm, alligator walk (didn’t do a good job at that).  YHC called out the mode as we traverse the parking lot, changing it along the way.  Inch Worm was a crowd pleaser.

YHC had asked DQ upon his arrival if he would demo single leg shoots and sit-out drills.  I always find his instruction informative and challenging. DQ showed proper position of same arm, same leg on single legs.  Learning something new in a physical fashion keeps the mind engaged.

Next was the mystery Co-Q = Van Gogh.  The Warden led us to the blocks and commenced to take us through some exercises that aligned with 8/14.  8 exercises, 14 reps each. 2 rounds.

Curls, Skull crushers, Upright rows (bad for elbows and shoulder flexion), Bend over rows, Thrusters,  block swings (KB style), deconstructed thrusters (weighted squats & overhead press)

VG asked if I wanted to go a third round: a resounding NO informed 2 rounds were sufficient.

Mosey to the grass area to demo a combat roll exercise that didn’t go well.  so did 10 barrel roll burpees OYO. Basically a burpee, and when you are down, barrel roll and get up into another burpee.  Some opted for the pavement instead of the grass.  Tomato, tomato.

Broga: two sun salutations for the PAX.  Work on this at home, folks.  It’s good for all of us.

Moseyed back to the start for MOM.  YHC called a few exercises.  Then voluntold other PAX to call an exercise.



  • SchmedFest is coming.  See above
  • DQ has Greenest at 9am next Saturday.  It’s a good way to help and service our community with furniture needs. Please sign up to join if you can.

Prayers and Concerns:

  • Keep DQ’s brother’s family in mind as they go through some challenges.  Also for DQ’s good family friend who has upcoming surgery on his leg.
  • DQ’s son is newly engaged so blessings up he and his bride to be
  • Concerns for those struggling with COVID and work conditions that are eliminating remote work making it difficult to balance family and professional responsibilities.
  • YHC voiced concerns about a house deal that didn’t work out, but is hopeful for another opportunity in the near future.
    • Also, we are expecting a little girl in January so that is very exciting.
  • Crash took us out addressing the concerns voiced including all the stages of life we see within our group as he has a son starting college.


  • Great partner work and encouragement between the PAX
  • At COT, DQ said he’d put up that workout against any @Mongoose Q.  YHC teared up at that accolade.  *sniff*  “You’re my boy, Blue!”
  • Van Gogh led the PAX the whole way.  I think this was a recovery workout from his Spartan race. #BeastMode
  • The Jerk made DORA reps look easy
  • It was mentioned that Crab Walk was not @Prospector approved.  There’s a reason that guy gets so much business…
  • Dr. Toot & Crash kept plugging along through the workout despite it being a twofer
  • Subfloor called American Hammers during MOM when YHC just wanted to do body destroyers.  Strong work