Blocks and Side-to-Sides and Zimas

Date: 9/2/21

PAX: Burns, Turnover (EC), Schneider (EC), 60 Minutes (EC), Harden (EC), Crash, Greenspan

Six pax joined YHC expecting brown liquor and instead getting a mash of upper body and abs on the blocks.


Slow warmup with some broga; moseyed to edge of parking lot for SSH; moseyed up the street and stopped for some Cherry Pies; finally, moseyed back to the other side of parking lot for some flight attendants.  Fully warm, we moseyed to the block pile.

The Thang

Everyone grab a block.  Mosey the opposite end of parking lot where a Weinke was waiting, plagiarizing Zima’s Covid-19 workout:

Exercise Reps
Curls 10
Squats with coupons held overhead 10
Vault Burpees 10
In & Outs 20
Derkins (feet on blocks) 10

Carry block to opposite end of parking lot to find another Weinke:

Exercise Reps
Carolina Dry Docks 10
Overhead Claps 10
Side-to-Side Merkins (on block) 10 (DC)
Windshield Wipers 20 (DC)
Dive Bombers 10


Repeato until time.


Prayer Requests:

  • Giles’s wife.
  • Tabor family after shooting.

YHC took us out.

It was great being back at the Distillery.  Thanks for the keys, 60.  I dropped them off at the pick-up basketball game across the street.