Constructing the Great Pyramid

QIC: Bueller?

Date: 09/23/21

PAX: Schneider, Spicoli, Singing Cowboy, SeaMan, 60 Mins, Bueller?

Bueller travelled west to WeFoCo, where the men are HIMs and everyone has a name that starts with “S” (I know, weird, huh?)

As a builder, YHC attempts to use the best material available for long lasting construction. As the great builders from centuries ago have taught us, BLOCKS are great for long lasting construction. And thus a pyramid workout was born in the gloom of WeFoCo.. behind a shed.. where the grass was soggy.. and the men are HIMs.


It went down like this:


Windmills x5 IC

Imperial Walkers x 10 IC

SSH x15 IC

Burpees x5 OYO


THE THANG  –  Building a pyramid with blocks

Run around Clemmons Elem. Then grab a block and circle up.

30 reps                 Curls                                                                    Low Slow Flutters

25 reps                 Skull Crushers                                                    LBCs

20 reps                 Kettle Bell Swings                                             Lunges

15 reps                 One Arm Rows (each side)                              Freddie Mercury

10 reps                 Military Press                                                     American Hammer

.. then reverse order back and finish with run (a shorter run) ..


MARY by committee:

Peter Parker .. or parker peter?

Alabama Prom date (#crowdpleaser)

Penguin Crunch


Box Cutters



Announcements: Gears and Guitars this weekend. That means bike races and concerts in downtown W-S. Enjoy and be safe if you are going.

Prayers: for Schnieder’s BIL, for COVID warriors as well as VAXers and NonVAXers, praying especially that it stays manageable through these fall months.