Feel the burn?


Date: 09/25/2021

PAX: Subfloor, Van Gogh, Ziffel, Bullwinkle, Adobe, Andriod, Seeman, The Jerk

Forgive me for the tardiness of this post!


We gathered at the ROCC and I realized I was glad to have not doubled down with Super Max as I heard there was a ton of pull-ups that Burns put the PAX through.


Per usual, YHC put together an unconventional WarmArama that used word like “go” instead of “exercise.”  VG was not above letting this go.  After we were sufficiently warm and we all were aware that today’s music was going to revolve around 80’s music (personal favorite of Ziffel), we moseyed to grab some fun blocks.  (AKA Coupons…AKA Cinder Blocks)


Once we picked out the luck block of cement, we walked it back to the parking lot.  The workout was to be quite simple as for us all to enjoy each other’s company.  And that included Bullwinkles endless MC about how he could do stuff like squat while holding his coupon with his pinkies.   We gathered in a circle with the music in the middle (obviously) and started THE THANG!


Round of 20 reps (All with your Coupon):

–  Curls

– Bent Over Rows


– Goblet Squats (try squeezing your block instead of holding it)

– Plank (with coupon on your back)

– Press Over Head


– Lunges (20 each leg)

– Low Flutter (while holding your coupon in the air)



We repeated this cycle with  a round of 15 reps and a round of 10 reps.  We did some in cadence and some OYO, and we would switch it up as we went.  After we completed the round of 10, we gently put our Fun Blocks back where we found them and moseyed back to the launch for 5 minutes of Mary.


EMOM MARY consisted of:


– Plank

– Freddy Mercs

– SuperMans

– Heels to Heaven


Thank you all for reading this and for those who suffered through it.  VG, I will get back on your calendar soon!