IPSEA and Lamp Chop

QIC: Huckleberry

Date: 9.29.21

PAX: Honey Badger, Razzie, Van Gogh, Workbench, Mutton, BooBoo, Red Baron, Spicoli, Lamb Chop, Cherry Pie

10 pax originally gathered for a Huck led Conspiracy.  yhc had originally planned something nice and simple.  Then Palin explained the backlash from Qing IPC at conspiracy last week.  that was intriguing…..  Then Lamp Chop reached out and ensure that yhc would not do IPC again this week.  I agreed.  but thought……what about an IPSEA workout?  Just to frustrate the site Q,  So a plan was made.  then the post happened……..preblast channel……from Lamp Chop the site Q – “I just did murder burpee derkin bunnies while quadrapheliaing up the side of a mountain”.  yep…..he thought he was being sarcastic.  and guess what………..a new exercise was born.

warm o rama – SSH IC, Abe V IC, IW IC …..let’s go

mosey to the top of the intimidator – yes, the top for murder bunny derkin burpees with quadraphelia.

going down the intimidator, murder bunny 3 times then perform 3 derkins then from derkin perform a burpee.  repeat till you reach the stop sign.  then quadraphilia back to the top and repeat.

mosey to the track for IPSEA – OH…..HEY BooBoo!  walked out of nowhere and joined right in – “what did I miss?”.. nothing (hahahahaha)

I – irkin

P – plank jack

S – squat

E – energizer bunny

A – alternating shoulder taps

perform 25 reps of first exercise then run a lap around the track – repeato times 4 to get to 100 reps.  then move on plank jacks.  same.  then squats.  same.  then….we ran out of time.  stupid murder bunny derkin burpees.

mosey back to start for Hucks 3 merkins.  time.


prayers – Lamp Chop and M start IVF soon.  Spicoli and the purchase of a new house


man the down hill murder bunnys kill the shoulders.  add in derkins and a burpee…..terrible.  the quadraphilia with repeato was not well received.

IPSEA started off strong.  then some transitioned to stretching.  some started walking – cherry pie quickly corrected the pax and made them run.

VG pointed out that it would be 5 miles if we finished the workout…yep.

everyone was intrigued by energizer bunnys – well, you should have pushed harder to get to them.  next time…….

strong group of HIMs this morning and well done by all.  all complaints were ignored.

thanks for the keys to the mothership Lamb Chop!

