
QIC: Huckleberry

Date: 11.20.21

PAX: Schneider, Emilio

3 pax showed up on a cold Saturday morning for SuperMax.  We went over the format and options were provided – we could run, we could do a murph, we could do a workout (following previous rules of less than 4 exercises) that yhc had planned.  Immediate no to a murph was stated.  one vote run.  one vote workout.  yhc broke the tie and went with the workout.

0600 – Warm o rama – SSH x 15 IC.  IW x 15 IC.  Whirly x 10 IC.  Michael Phelps x 10 IC.  Run get a cinderblock and return to the parking lot.

thang – perform exercise on one side of parking lot.  run to opposite side and perform 5 burpees, then run back and repeat.  exercises will build…….

Exercises –

25 curls

20 curls

15 curls

10 curls

5 curls

25 curl press

20 curls press

15 curl press

10 curl press

5 curl press

25 squat curl press

20 squat curl press

… get the point.

640 – return your block

Mary – LBC, Low flutter


announcements – schedule updates for thanksgiving week and weekend reviewed.

prayer request – none spoken

yhc took us out.


lots of reps.  lots of fatigue.  layers of clothing were taken off.  But we all stayed together and completed all the reps.

great push by all.

VG yhc kept the keys….cause I still had Alcatraz………get ready for that backblast…..