Who needs tunes? How a boring TRQ made me sore…

QIC: Burlap

Date: 18 Nov 2021

PAX: Green Acres (WD), Superfly, Boomerang, Ziggy Stardust, Argyle, Burlap (QIC), Goofy, Starfish, BAM, The Vig, Mongoose, Transrcipt, and Tonka (WB) (in rough order of age)

Thirteen mostly “seasoned” pax showed up for TRQ — translation:  there were a lot of old guys there.   When Goofy at 56 is median age, it’s an experienced group.  The weather was nearly ideal and the moon was close to full, like the hearts of the pax with love for their Q —  nah, they put up with me.   Here is what we did:


SSHs    ISTs    Squats    Peter Parkers     Parker Peters     Arms forward/reverse/OH claps/Morroccan Nightclub    Hillbillies

Mosey to 2nd median for Manmaker Merkins (10 each side OYO); mosey to 3rd median for Hand Release merkins (10 OYO); mosey to 4th median for Mountain Climber Merkins IC

Mosey to field

Captain Therkin:  1 RT 1 WWII 5 merkins IC then graduate RT and WWIIs (but keep merkins at 5) to 10

Mosey to rock pile/circle get medium rock

Beers and Sunshine   —-  Stay together for

10 Bobby Hurleys with rock (touch ground and OH press jump)  20 Smurfjacks 30 bus drivers with rock 40 squats with rocks 50 bear crawl steps and 60 SSHs

Return rocks and mosey back to field

Beers and Sunshine – stay together for

10 Burpees  20 smurfjacks  30 box cutters  40 side squats (20 each side) 50 bobby hurleys 60 SSHs

Back to start for Mary:

Crunchy Frogs; one-legged low dolleys; LBCs; Mutton crunches; Body Destroyers


COT — prayers for Giles’ wife, Beverly’s mother, Starfish’s mother, and other folks dealing with difficulties.  Next Thursday is Thanksgiving, so post at Speas at 0700 for a Pony Express-led holiday workout.   YHC took us out.


  • No disclaimer given — none needed.
  • YHC decided against bringing tunes and went with a more traditional bootcamp (ex running much).  Starfish and BAM noted the lack of music during Captain Therkin, commenting that if I had brought tunes, we would be listening to a Spotify ad at this point in the workout.  #truthnugget
  • Heavy emphasis on merkins early in the workout.  Green Acres was happy.
  • Superfly did not have much to say.  I know you are surprised.  He silently killed the workout.
  • Thanks to Boomerang, YHC was as specific as possible on things like double count and “both sides”.
  • Ziggy joined a part of our GAS group for breakfast and let us know the new words that we once could say but can no longer say.
  • Argyle (I think it was he) had to ask what body destroyers were;  we need to do those more often.
  • Goofy was kind enough to come out to my Q the morning after I completely blew off his invitation to the fire pit party.  #grace
  • The Vig seemed to enjoy his first (?) post at TRQ.  He was impressed that the Q ended exactly on time.
  • Mongoose was relatively kind to the Q.  #mercy
  • YHC does not recall working out with Transcript but overheard that he had been attending F3 WS workouts for a few months now and had lost significant weight.  Excellent.  But he also said that F3 was a good bunch of guys, so clearly his judgment is clouded.
  • Tonka handled what I thought was a tough beatdown with relative ease.  It’s good to be young…in some ways.
  • YHC was sore in two major places Friday morning, even after running Tractors:  chest (lots of merkins and rock lifting) and groin (side squats and bobby hurleys).

TRQ always delivers — good group of guys, we generally stay together, we work hard, and have a good time.

Thank you for the honor of leading this group!




  • BAM
    November 19, 2021 5:05 pm

    Good times! Even without the tunes. Mostly because YHC doesn’t like to be alone with my thoughts.

    Yep, Transcript is a pretty regular at BnW and always brings the effort and joy.

    TRQ always seems to bring out a classic bunch of pax, honored to be able to join!

  • Green Acres
    November 19, 2021 6:00 pm

    Well planned and orchestrated workout! Great bunch of HIM’s. Very enjoyable morning despite any whining I may have done. Thanks for the push Burlap!

  • Starfish
    November 19, 2021 6:48 pm

    YHC was glad to be a part of the younger half of this set of pax. Tclaps, @Burlap for bringing out all the young (and old) dudes. Mott the Hoople and David Bowie would be proud.

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