What Does the Fox Say “Globulin”

QIC: Lamb Chop

Date: 12/1/2021

PAX: Lysol, Chick Flick, Spicoli, Palin, Guac, Lamb Chop

Twas’ a chilly morning but a mighty crew decided to muster the arctic blast that was upon us. A brave Lysol stated, “I do not workout when it is under 40 degrees” to which I responded, “Don’t you worry, we will warm you up quick.”


20 SSH, 15 Imperial Walker, 15 Hill Billy, 10 Whirly, 10 Abe Vigoda, 10 Arm Swirly forward and back, 5 Seal Clap, 5 Overhead Clap, 5 Moroccan Nightclubs

The Thang

Mosey to the track for a quick warm up lap. This was followed by the first opportunity to warm Lysol up. The 400M Burpee lap. Run 100M, 2 Burpees, run 100M 4 Burpees, run 100M 8 burpees, run 100M 16 burpees.

Then it was time to put those arm swirlys to good use. Mosey to the pull-up bars. Partner up. One partner run down to the shelter and back. Other partner completes 10 pull-ups then squats until partner returns. Flip flop. Then do 8, 6, 4, 2 pull-ups.

Now that our arms were burning, it was time to hit the Intimidator! Mosey to the Intimidator, here we would complete, at each stop sign, 10 Lt. Dan, 5 WMDs, 5 Burpees, 10 Iron Mikes. 4 stop signs on the way up to the top! On the way back down, we did 10 Mutton crunches X 2. 20 WWII. and 20 LBC and then it was time!


Prayers for Pilot Mountain and the fires. Prayers for Lysol’s daughter who will have back surgery.



Was a fun and lively crowd this morning. We learned about Palin valiantly fighting off a rabid fox who viciously attacked his mother back in the day and how goblins or globulins saved her life.


I have the keys so no need for me to give them back.


Lamb Chop



  • Red baron
    December 1, 2021 9:23 pm

    No love for Red Baron this morning I see! Haha!! I see how it is lamb chop.

    • Jackson Sutton
      December 2, 2021 2:44 pm

      OH NO! My bad Red Baron! You were indeed there. You were just so far ahead of everyone else that I forgot you even were at the same workout!

  • Jackson Sutton
    December 2, 2021 2:44 pm

    OH NO! My bad Red Baron! You were indeed there. You were just so far ahead of everyone else that I forgot you even were at the same workout!

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