Domo Arigato, Mr. Tabata

QIC: The Vig

Date: 01/04/2022

PAX: Cherry Pie (WD), Bevo, Zima, Airbag, Lamb Chop (WB), The Vig (QIC)

Guess who drew the Q for a bootcamp. YHC tried to avoid it but Bevo is a persistent MF. I swear Bevo must be an insurance agent or something. Only an insurance agent can keep up that level of persistency in the face of high-level rejection. I tried all my tricks to avoid being the Q. The “sorry that date doesn’t work” and the completely ignore the site Q’s request on multiple occasions. Bevo kept coming and YHC finally relented. The truth is it has been a hot minute since I have taken the reins as Q. I am not against a bootcamp. I have posted to bootcamps on limited occasion recently. Purgatory a time or two. TRQ for the first time a couple of month’s back. Flatline a couple of times. I even drove to Southern Virginia a year ago to post to Bells & Whistles. I just prefer strength training as a sad clown. YHC has been rocking a Tabata as the base line for my strength training. Its versatility is limitless, can be done with both body weight, and free weights. Hell, track repeats and fartlek’s could classify as Tabata with their burst of intensity followed by rest.

But could it work for an entire bootcamp workout in the Dash? Only one way to find out….

YHC started at 5:30 with a cadre of exercises as I gave the instructions (SSH, Hill Billy, IST, Mt. Climber, Plank Jacks, and high knees) and presented the Pax with the plan for the morning. A modified Tabata alternating a big muscle group with a core exercise and an active recovery for the rest periods. 30 secs on/30 secs off. The breakdown of the cycle went a something kind of sort of like this….


Cycle 1: Merkins/American Hammer/SSH

Cycle 2: Seal Clap/Freddie Mercs/Hill Billy

Cycle 3: Squat/LBC/IST

Cycle 4: Dip/Dead Cockroach /SSH

Cycle 5: Back Extensions/Penguin Crunch/ Mt. Climber

Finish w/ a lap around the parking lot


Was the Q rusty? Yes

Was the workout boring? Yes – YHC did bring tunes

Did Zima where his Ironman gloves? Yes

Did Spicoli post even though he commented on preblast? No

Is Bevo’s sock game on point? Yes

Was Cherry Pie disgusted when seal claps were called? Yes

Does Lamb Chop need to work on his squat form? Yes

Was the workout easy? Probably…But you know…don’t Q it if you can’t do it

Was there running? Just a pinch

Was there MC? Definitely yes

Thanks for the push to get out there Bevo, however, don’t any of you other Jaborni’s get any ideas!


Viggy Out