Yes, the theme was 2-5 for Feb. 5th…that’s it. Totally planned that.

QIC: Wobegon

Date: 2-5-2022

PAX: Pony Express, Green Acres, Frostbite, Starfish, Splash, BAM, D-Day, Bloodsport, Argyle, Spam-A-Lot, Boomerang, Super Fly, Woodpecker.

Lots of reps of 25 (no reason, but it was ponted out that the date of 2/5 was a nice coincidence. Yes, that was the plan…totally. It went like this:

Warm-0-Rama with the standard favorites.

Mosey to end of Lot

Core Work, 25 reps each

  1. American Hammer X25
  2. Merkin X10
  3. Gas Pumps X25
  4. Merkin X10
  5. Freddy Mercury X25
  6. Merkins X5

Long Mosey Around Track to Rocks

Rock Reps: 25 reps each

  1. Curls
  2. OHP
  3. Skull Crushers
  4. Chest Press

Repeat-O after a lap around the circle, 10 reps. Again, 5 reps. Rocks up!

Mosey to Leto Deck

Deck Work: 25X each

  1. Right Leg Step
  2. Left Leg Step
  3. Irkins
  4. Dips


Catastrophe averted but a reminder: backward leg step-ups are ill-advised. 


Lower-Half DORA 1-2-3 on the hill

  1. 100 Squats
  2. 200 Alternating Lunges
  3. 300 Calf Raises


Mosey back for extended Mary, rounding out with a couple of minutes of Superman-Banana. 


And done.


Blood Drive Coming! See D-Day or this link:

Prayer Requests: Giles and his family, aging mothers all around

A great morning, a sufficient beat-down. YHM feels if a pax texts you Monday morning with “I HATE YOU! Nice workout” then it must have been sufficient.

Always an honor.  May you be happy, healthy, and peaceful.

1 Comment

  • Green Acres
    February 8, 2022 1:42 pm

    Perfectly terrible beatdown. 👏. But just for historical accuracy, all those 25’s were IC…so more like 50. Just sayin’…

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