Suspicious texts lead to a Conspiracy

QIC: Spicoli

Date: 4/27/22

PAX: Lambchop, Spittoon, Mutton, Honey Badger, Frost Bite, Spicoli, FNG Chafe

Fortunately the Site Q (@lambchop) is on the ball and sent out a reminder text that YHC had the Q at #Conspiracy.  Having recently come off of a volunteer opportunity at IS, I formulated a plan



All IC: SSH, IW, squats, merkins, Abe vigoda


Mosey to track:

Warm up with butt kickers, Apollo creeds, high knees and do 2 corners:

5 burpees, 10 five bombers, 15 jump squats, 20 Freddy mercuries at each corner


Mosey to base of Intimidator:

Howling monkey circle counting down from 5 to 1: one cycle with monkey humpers, another with merkins (groan)

Burpee trips on The Intimidator:  Continuing to honor Root’s yelling of eleven…

Run to 1st stop, do 11 burpees, come back down do:

* 20 ranger merkins

* 20 sumo squats

* 20 low flutters DC


Head over to the playground:

Swing set Lat pulls 20, 15, 10, then run a lap x3


Once more descending ring of fire with merkins 4, 3, 2, 1

Mosey to the parking lot for Mary




  • Spittoon is going to share information about the Trellis Hospice fundraiser in a few weeks
  • Keep Giles in your thoughts, prayers as his family tries to get back in some semblance of normal life. He needs help moving on Saturday morning.
  • Blessings upon those who have children and for families that want children.

@Lambchop took us out with uplifting words


  • Lambchop was underwhelmed by my near carbon copy from last IS Q.  #SorryNotSorry
  • Chafe is yet another Reynolds recruit who I have a mutual friend with outside the group.  Nickname origin came from his marathonering. Hopefully he returns.
  • Honey Badger makes everything look easy
  • Spittoon and Frost Bite were the young guns out there rolling through the workout
  • Always solid to have Mutton at the workout.  He almost arrived on #SpicoliTime
  • Thank you for the opportunity to lead