D Day Remembrance at VI

QIC: Drama Queen

Date: 06/06/2022

PAX: SeaMan, Schneider, Sgt Schultz, Triple Play, Drama Queen

VI Site Q SeaMan has mentioned more than once my Q from last year that celebrated the 77th anniversary of D Day.  The calendar had an opening this year on the exact date and it seemed like destiny to take the date and repeat the workout.  SeaMan put the pressure on with a preblast and the expectation was high. 4 other pax rolled in which was a few less than expected but it was a strong group with 2 vets, a VI regular and a triple hate. The hour to launch the mission was upon us and so we began.

Warmorama covered several of the standards with the DQ standard final of Dry Dock Crabs.  Some improvement but none of the pax will be going breakdancing anytime soon.

We moseyed to the lower parking lot and went down the bank and collected some rocks.  Quiz #1 was the 5 beaches that were involved with the D Day landing. Sgt Schultz got an A in this class. We then did corresponding exercises with each beach.

Omaha – Overhead presses

Utah – Upright rows

Gold – Gorilla Humpers (no rock)

Juno – Jump Squats (no rock)

Sword – Skull crushers

We did 12 reps to correspond with the 12 Allied countries participating in the invasion. Those countries were : US, UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, France, Poland, Belgium, The Netherlands, Czechoslovakia, Norway, Greece.  We all learned something but Schultz and SeaMan contributed well in this quiz.

We returned the rocks and then military crawled to the bottom of the hill. There we did 6 trips up with 6 different exercises and 44 reps each. 6/6/44. Before climbing we learned there were on the Allied side 156k troops that went ashore, another 195k naval personnel, 10k casualties and 4400 confirmed dead.  By end of week 1, 500k troops were on mainland Europe with 100k tons of equipment.

Merkins – majority of troops were American

Squats – here I dropped some trivia about D Day participants.  Because we were squatting, participants involved with “catchers” Schultz got Yogi Berra. Other one was author JD Salinger of Catcher in the Rye. Several other famous people including James Doohan (Scotty of Star Trek – Canada), Henry Fonda, Charles Durning and Bobby Jones.

WW II sit ups – of course

“Ike” Tysons – ok this was a stretch but Eisenhower was the commander

Overhead Claps – official name of mission was operation Overlord

American Hammers – again remembering Americans

We then moseyed back to the parking lot for some hand to hand combat.

Partner push, partner pull, partner carry and Saratogas (running with ropes and parter holding back)

Back to launch for a short round of Mary and we’re done.


Hard work by all and YHC enjoyed the small group that allowed for good chatter

No complaints today as we all realized what we were doing came nowhere close in comparison to the actions by the men of D Day

44 Ike Tysons are a lot

Think we all got in a sufficient workout while learning a few things

My best compliment of the whole day came in a later Slack message from SeaMan showing a text from Triple Play that he had been a star student in Social Studies that day since he had gained some D Day knowledge at F3


Schneider’s cousin touring the US raising $ for prevention of veteran suicide

YHC took us out remembering all who paid the ultimate price then and all that is going on in the world today

Always an honor