Moseying the Bastille at TRQ

QIC: Ziggy

Date: 7/14/22

PAX: Green Acres, Drip, Rustbucket, Pony Express, Boomerang, Double Wide, Starfish, Burlap, Giles, Root Canal, Ziggy (QIC)

Realizing that July 14 is Bastille Day in France – their national holiday and the official ‘start’ of the French Revolution – YHC decided to try a themed workout for a change. The Bastille was a fort and prison and a symbol of the monarchy of Louis XVI and his tone deaf wife Marie Antoinette,   which the common rabble known as the “Third Estate” challenged and eventually overthrew. Though there were only a few actual prisoners in the fort, the rebels eventually beat off the guards, freed the prisoners, confiscated the gunpowder and the weapons and then moved on…..yada yada yada …Napoleon eventually came to power, with a lot happening in between.

With the six Respects leading the charge (some may have been there), it went as follows.



Mosey to Flagpole for stretching:

Up and Down Dogs, Whirlies avec le Clap, Abe Vigodas

Four lunges and 7 merkins to the first island

Four lunges and 7 plank jacks to the second island

Four lunges and 7 squats to the third island

Michael Phelps and Imperial Storm Troopers


Being 7/14 all exercises were done in increments of 7 in descending order: 28-21-14-7 around the circle.

First station: curls

Second station: Overhead Press

Third Station: Low Flutter with the rock

First round: 28 of each exercise walking around the circle at each stop; Next round of 21, then 14, and finally 7.

One more round of 21 chest presses, 21 skull crushers, finishing off with 21 bent over rows.

Return the Rocks


Holding people’s chair:

7 Jack Reachers then 7 merkins

14 JRs  – 14 diamond merkins

21 JRs  – 21 wide merkins

14 JRs  –  14 diamond merkins

7 JRs –  7 merkins

21 Rebound Drills

Finale: BTTW


Given the day’s theme, we started with 14 American Hammers, then 14 WWIIs

Finished with Mary by Committee with all creatively keeping to the theme.



Pawtism fund raising event on Saturday at 9:00 Haynes Park

Blood Drive on Saturday

Green Nest needs a Q for 7/23


Giles and his family as they prepare to move back into their house later in the summer

To those taking care of elderly parents. YHC has been dealing with this challenge over the summer, along with other PAX.


YHC had briefly refreshed himself on the history of the day, trying to recall high school history class. Part of the revolutionary sound track included “Free Bird” by Lynrd Skynrd and legend has it (at least from my high school teacher in Alabama) that the rebels listened to it as they got fired up for the actual storming. Burlap expressed skepticism however.

Rustbucket was on fire and way too far ahead of the Pax, which YHC tried to keep together in the name of liberte, egalite, and fraternite. After upping it a notch at the wall with a BTTW finale he may have lost some momentum. YHC’s goal has always been to outlast Green Acres on BTTW – suspect he was humoring me a little –  but managed to prevail by one second.

Fun group and amazing work by all!

Thanks for the keys Green Acres, may have left them in the fort.


  • Burlap
    July 20, 2022 1:51 pm

    TRQ is one of the few workouts at which I can be the median age, as I was this past 14 July. We had five double respects — then me in the middle — three mid 50s and then DW and Giles. No 40-something’s.

    Lynyrd Skynyrd got the crowd going with “Gimme Three Steps” then Tugged on their heartstrings with “Simple Kinda Man”, then set them ablaze with Free Bird. After the successful storming of the Bastille, the entire revolutionary group partied to “What’s Your Name” and a lot of little revolutionaries were made that night.

  • Green Acres
    July 20, 2022 2:29 pm

    Great beatdown and camaraderie! Ziggy got me at BTTW fair and square…my arms were toast after the diamond merkins! 🥵. Enjoyed the morning with all these guys!

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