No Regerts

QIC: Lamb Chop

Date: 7/29/2022

PAX: Chowdah, Toot, Transcript, Gretel, Lamb Chop, Nerd Herd (FNG)

UA, my favorite AO. I will never complain about getting to workout as the city is waking up around me.


20 SSH, 15 Imperial Walker, 10 Whirly, 15 Hill Billy, 10 Abe Vigoda, and some stretchy stretch.

The Thang

Mosey around park then head to the train track.

5 Pull Ups, Burpees, WWII, repeto down to 1 rep.

Mosey to Coal Pit

At each column do: 1 Burpee, 1 WMD, 5 Jump Squat, 5 LBC, 10 Plank Jack, 10 Peter Parker. Lunge walk between columns and repeto all the way down to the end.

Next, partner up for some Dora 1,2,3. 100 Merkins, 200 LBC, 300 Squats (we only got to 200 squats).

Mosey back to start for Mary where we only had time for ELEVEN merkins.


Toot tricked one of his patients into coming out. His name is Nerd Herd because he works at Atkins High School. Dude was a beast and hung with us the whole time. He was shrouded in mystery however as when we asked him what he likes to do he said “a little of this and some of that” and where he likes to go he responded “sometimes over here sometimes over there”. Who knows, maybe he is really a secret agent?


Marriages. Marriages are tough. Think about today what you can do to strengthen your own, and then think about what you can do to strengthen someone elses. And then do it.

Some ideas of how to strengthen another persons marriage. If you have free time or if you have been blessed with tons of money, find a young PAX who has young kids and tell him to take the night off and take his wife out on a date night. You be the baby sitter and allow them to go and enjoy time just the two of them. Sometimes, the stress of trying to find a baby sitter, having to pay them, then pay for a meal and be out $100+ dollars means we make excuses not to continue to date our spouses, and for some of us, we can’t afford it financially. So if you have the time, eliminate the excuse of finding a baby sitter, and if you have some extra money lying around, get them a gift card to a restaurant.


I love you all like family and if anyone ever needs a baby sitter, although I am not licensed, I will gladly sit at your house and read a book as your child sleeps and you two enjoy a date night.


Lamb Chop

1 Comment

  • Spicoli
    July 29, 2022 10:45 am

    Ahhhhhhh! I hit the snooze and missed your Q. So aggravated. Looks like a great group and solid workout. Looks like I owe you 30 burpees for missing.

    Also what a great message on how to strengthen one’s own relationship and be there for the marriage of others. 💪

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