Respects or more on a Hill

QIC: Boomerang

Date: 7/16/2022

PAX: Rustbucket (WD), Drip (WB, yes WB), Ziggy Stardust and Boomerang (YHC)

YHC was a bit worried when the top of the hour was approaching and only YHC was there, then Ziggy arrived, we discussed an early coffeeteria and then Rustbucket arrived. So 3 seemed good to proceed, although Rustbucket thought well of the coffeeteria idea. As we started warmarama Drip joined us.

Wamarama was the normal fair and Drip was startled as YHC corrected his “modify as necessary” during the warm up.

After a sufficient warm-up we were off to the Intimidator. Some groans were heard, but YHC was determined to spend quality time on the hill. The beatdown was pretty straight-forward, with a run between each station.

Bottom of the Hill-10 of each

Burpees, Heels to Heaven, Erkins, Plank Jacks

First Cross Street-20 of each

Wide Merkins, WWII, Calf Raises, Alt Shoulder Taps (DC)

Next Street-30 of each

Carolina Dry Docks, Low Flutters, Jack Reachers, SSH

Top of Hill-40 of each

Merkins, LBC’s, Squats, Mountain Climbers

Repeato as we returned down the hill.

To the benches for a short DORA

Partner 1 does the exercise and partner 2 runs the sidewalk around the swings and the switch

50 Dips

100 Alt Step Ups

150 YHC forgot

Back to parking lot for round robin Mary.



Most announcements have already happened.

Prayers for Giles, Laura and family

Prayers for procedure/exam for Drip on Friday

YHC took us out.

Excellent work but 3 Double Respects and a Respect.

The port-a-johns really need to be serviced-90 degree days are not their friend!

Mutton, you can guess where I left the keys!