Birthday Beatdown at Flatline

QIC: Turnover

Date: 8.23.2022

PAX: Lamb Chop , Chick Flick , Death Valley , Wobegon , Offsides, Huckleberry , Burns , Frostbite , Schlitz , Cherry Pie , Turnover

A few weeks ago, YHC saw an opening to Q at one of my favorite AO’s on my birthday, and what better way to kick off the celebration than bring a hopefully solid beatdown to the PAX assembled. Today marks my 36th birthday, so 36 would be our theme.

0529 – All PAX are assembled so a quick recitation of the Mission Statement and Core Principles was laid out so we could get right to it.

0530 – Launch the beatdown with a travelling Warm O Rama consisting of SSHs, ISTs, and Abe Vigodas

We wrapped up the Abe Vigodas in the parking deck where the beatdown would take place.

At the bottom of each ramp, PAX were to perform 12 Dive Bombers, 12 Bonnie Blairs, and 12 Burp-Ups (burpee + pullup)

PAX would then backwards mosey to the top of the ramp

At the top of each ramp, PAX were to perform 36 LBCs

Simple but deadly, as we soon found out.

We followed this pattern all the way to the top of the parking deck until there were no I-beams to perform our burp-ups on.

Once at the top of the deck, we bear crawled the final incline to the very top of the deck

Upon reaching the top, YHC asked the PAX: “How does one eat an elephant?” (I might have said “whale”…I lost consciousness somewhere on the second ramp)

The answer of course is: “One bite at a time”. With that, the PAX were instructed to perform 36 burpees.

Once everyone had completed the burpees, we moseyed back to launch for a little MARY

In keeping with the theme, we performed 36 Freddie Mercs IC

A few seconds remained, but time was called.


Announcements: @Spicoli has #Conspiracy tomorrow. @Huckleberry, much to the chagrin of all those present, has the Q for #WIB on Thursday. Shmedfest on Saturday

Prayer Requests: YHC lifted up my sister in law who is dealing with illness in the midst of her pregnancy.

YHC took us out lifting up the prayer requests mentioned and not mentioned and thanking Him for what a blessing F3 has been for me personally.


All PAX that posted this morning put in some serious work. That beatdown was no joke, but everyone made light work of the called exercises

The dive bombers were, obviously, in honor of @Greenspan who informed YHC last night that he wouldn’t be able to attend today. Good call on his part, tbh.

The creative juices weren’t flowing too well when planning the beatdown, but I was hopeful that the “simplicity” of the workout would end up providing a sufficient challenge for these #HIMs

As most of us were busy counting our reps and focusing on not dying, there wasn’t a ton of MC for the most part, but @Lamb Chop was in attendance, so he more than made up for the lack of chatter with his usual banter and ease of conversation amidst an otherwise challenging beatdown.

It was great meeting @Death Valley for the first time. Didn’t get to spend too much time with him as he was WAY out at the head of the pack all morning.

@Offsides was doing @Offsides things and was out front all morning as well, nipping on the heels of @Death Valley the whole way.

@Lambchop and @Burns, amongst others, asked the Q several times if he would consider modifying the called reps. Request(s) denied.

Amid learning about the origins of @Death Valley’s name, someone suggested that something a little more antagonistic would have been more appropriate for the F3 name of a Clemson grad. “Sandstorm” was thrown out (a reference to Clemson’s arch rival USC’s pregame music ritual). I thought aloud that that would be a great name and maybe I misunderstood, but I thought @Burns was suggesting that I could assume that name. He quickly corrected me that that’s not was he was offering and insinuated that if a re-naming were to occur, something as cool as Sandstorm would not be an option for me. This was probably after one of the denied requests to Omaha. Fair enough.

@Chick Flick and @Lambchop were engaged in their Reynolds-related banter most of the morning, as is their custom.

It was probably due to my aforementioned loss of consciousness, but I didn’t hear a ton of MC from @Cherry Pie this morning. That’s probably because he couldn’t complain about arm swirly things being called because there were none. You’re welcome, CP.

@Huck was a form monster all morning banging out perfect burp-ups. He also got a nice 10-12 minute breather at the end of the beatdown after he finished his 36 burpees before the rest of us had gotten to 7 or 8. The breather was well-deserved after he blatantly ignored my instructions to NOT crawl bear up the final ramp and crawl beared up it anyway. YHC was trying to go easy on everyone, but @Huck has always been a glutton for punishment. I’d also guess he didn’t score very well in the “Follows Instructions” department when he was in school.

@Wobegon provided YHC with some very encouraging words about what to expect from Jefferson Elementary (where my oldest 2.0 will be starting next week) in between both of us gasping for breath on one of the last sets of burp-ups

@Frostbite and @Schlitz were acting as joint silent assassins this morning. Neither of them had time for mindless banter as they were dominating in all phases.

During the CoT, I shared a little from the heart on how I had been taking time to reflect recently and how overwhelmingly grateful I feel for the many blessings the Lord has given me. Not the least of which is F3. I can’t properly put into words what this group of men has meant to me over the last 4+ years. I could probably write an essay here on what an impact F3 Winston Salem has had on me and my family, but I’ll spare you all of the details. Just know that I am genuinely thankful for each and every one of you and highly value the friendship, fellowship, and accountability you’ve provided me. Sincerely, thank you all.

It is always an honor to lead one of these workouts and thank you to all who posted this morning, at #Flatline or otherwise.

@Bevo, I’d love to tell you where I left the keys, but I blacked out pretty early, so I have no idea. Best of luck tracking them down.

Turnover/Gobstopper/Sandstorm: Out.


1 Comment

  • Spicoli
    August 23, 2022 10:24 pm

    Wow! I’m feeling all the FOMO having missed this workout. Happy Birthday, TO!


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