Boomerang’s TIT Special

QIC: Frostbite

Date: 8/15/2022

PAX: @Green Acres (WD), @Crash, @Airbag. @Frostbite (QIC, WB)

@Crash sent out a call last week for someone to replace himself as Q.  I happily raised my hand.

Turns out there was a conversation between @Airbag and @Crash a few weeks ago leading @Airbag to believe he was Q this week at the premiere Monday morning workout.

@Airbag reaches out to me confirming I have the Q.  I use my status as a #Redwood and tell him I have it and to look for another open date. I wanted to bring the pain today. And the music.

So, the 2 times @Boomerang has Q’d at TIT, he has done the same thing each time.  I gave him flack for this, but turns out that I also really like the workout he put together, so I decided to copy and paste + add a modifier.


SSH (20 x IC)

Copperhead Squats (10 x IC)

Whirley’s (10 x IC)

Arm Swirly Things (10 x IC, each direction)

Overhead clap (10 x IC)

Mosey around to get cinder blocks and head to picnic tables.

Circle around for a quick discussion and to read the board. Tunes on. 

10 exercises were displayed. Pax were to do 5 reps of all, then run to the speed bump come back and +5 reps.

Exercises were:

Curls (for the girls)


Skull Crushers

R Leg Step Up

Overhead Press

L Leg Step Up


Chest Press



Pax got up to 20 reps, then down to 10, then 5.


1.30 mins worth

Low Flutter (15 x IC)

J-Los (10 x IC)



People were asking if @Boomerang was going to be in attendance since my pre-blast announced “Boomerang Special” but YHC did not reach out to get an HC due to laziness. But thank you for a great workout.

YHC likes to mix in some running at my workouts so added the run in between each set (this was the modification to @Boomerang’s Qs). @Airbag also enjoyed the break from all the arms.

I was worried looking at the forecast last night — called for rain.  Thought I would have to live out one of the core principals and make guys be out in rain.  Fortunately, rain held off and we enjoyed the cooler temps.

@Green Acres did a RIRO.  He must have gotten in early as he beat YHC to the AO and saw I had a big cardboard.  Luckily, he didn’t see what I had in store for him.  Hopefully, he got enough this time round.

MC was pretty minimal today.  Just 4 guys wanting to get the work in. Right at 650 total reps and 0.67 miles covered.  Not bad guys!

I tried to get an HC from @Burns yesterday at church, but due to it being a #Launchpad week, he declined.  Guess he likes spending his time in VA.

Some of the regulars were not in attendance, probably due to some Ragnar race that happened in WV.  Doesn’t sound fun, but glad to hear it went well.

No announcements other than Shmed on August 27th.  No prayer requests.

YHC took us out.


Pleasure to lead you all.

Your friend,
