Two Pax, Two possible FNGs

QIC: Wobegon

Date: 08-01-2022

PAX: Burns, Wobegon.

Monday morning at our latest AO. Let’s do this. Just two pax? No problem.

Warm-O-Rama with the normal stuff.

Slow walk-mosey to the track, special care at the dramatic drop-off in the field. We made it.


Track work:

25 merkins, 25 LBC

Mosey half lap

25 merkins, 25 LBC

Repeat-O till we hit 100 total reps of each.


Much logistic planning for Rangar was had. Multitasking. 


Off to the Playground:

Find a partner (not hard to do) and a bar

Pax 1: pull-ups

Pax 2: 25 squats

Switch off, repeat till each pax has hit 100 squats 


Done. Mosey to the picnic shelter.




Circle Up (circle was theoretical with two dudes).  Start altenrating lunges. 


The unifying theme for YHC’s week fo Q’s. Talking while working out.  Topic: 

Core Principle: Open to all Men. No matter the man, you are welcome here. Share a good story of seeing it in action, and reflect on how we do this well or could improve here in our corner of F3 Nation.


Break every few minutes to do 20 Dips on the bench, then back to the lunges.


Good input from our 1st F Q, both of us had stories of seeing a good welcome to new guys, outreach, and consideration of the new guy next to you. Think we agreed that we do well but could do better in some places. Good reminder to put ourselves in the new guy’s place. Reminded by Burns that a little follow-up (“Hey, glad you came out, hope to see you again”) can go a long way.


Nantan thoughts: it sounds perhaps more exclusionary that intended, but the truth is F3 is not for everyone. It has to (sorry) check some box, fill some need, for you, and you have to want to check that box. But we need to keep any barrier we can out of the way for the guy who wants to get involved. I think anytime our Pax is NOT welcoming to a new guy, it’s not intentional. 100%, but we all have blind spots. 


At this point, we noticed two guys running into the park and heading for the playground.  Burns asked if they were doing a Murph, which they took as an invitation and seemed a little unsure “Uh…maybe not today…”.  We talked F3, wished them well and went to complete Mary (rotating call, a little longer than normal, but we wrapped with two minutes to spare).  Went back over, gave the guys the longer pitch, and gave them both a sticker and business card….we’ll see. 


Thankful for the chance to lead at the new AO, grateful for Burns and his conversation, and hopeful we made two new FNGs this morning.


See you at Flatline for the next Campfire.