
QIC: Mutton

Date: 09/28/2022

PAX: Mutton, Dr Toot, Boo Boo, Cherry Pie, Clay Shupak (FNG - AKA Marsha), Burlap

6 brave Pax enjoyed a comfortable 50 degree morning beatdown!

The Thang:

Slow mosey clockwise around HP to the corner of Hawthorne and Glade St

Typical warm-a-rama

Continue clockwise to RJR gym where we cut back to the track and made our way to the playground for 7 layers of dip.

7 double count dips preceding each of the following:

Left leg step x 10

Erkins x 10

Right leg step x 10

Derkins x 10

LBC x 20

Box  jumps x 10

LBC x 20

Mosey to the Intimidator:

We paired up in 3’s for some modified 3 man Grinders.

Each of us completed 2 sets up Merkins, Squats, Low Flutters and Mountain Climbers

Back to the parking lot for Mary.

Welcome FNG Marsha, formerly known as Clay Shupak.  Marsha is one of Dr Toot’s patients.  He is a fist year law student at Wake and his wife is in residency at Bowman Gray.

No announcements:  Toot has IS this Saturday.  Check Slack for potential cancellation or move to a parking debt.

YHC took us out asking for the wisdom and courage to be the leaders we need to be.