To the Idiots go the Headbands

QIC: Spicoli

Date: 9/26/2022

PAX: Starfish (WD), Sea-man, Schnieder, Spicoli, Bullwinkle (for COT also WB)

YHC was on deck to Q the first separatist workout in F3 Winston history.  Low and behold, the guy that made that happen (and so many other things for our region and beyond), @Starfish, was in attendance, along with the Site Q, @Sea-man, and Maintenance Man Extraordinaire, @Schneider. At 5:30am on the dot, we began:

Warmarama IC:

SSH, IW, Abe Vigoda

** Then a new warmup routine was demonstrated by YHC!

  1. From standing, walk out like Inch worm, do 1 merkin;
  2. Right foot to right hand, open up chest with left hand to the sky for stretch.  Switch feet by stepping or jumping left foot to left hand and do the same stretching right arm to the sky.
  3. Walk back in to fold and stand up;
  4. With arms overhead in Mary Katherine pose, do 1 reverse lung on each side;
  5. Do one squat, return to standing.

It doesn’t have a name, but since it hits about everything, I’m leaning towards Leatherman Multitool.  Saw the routine online, btw, so only plagiarizing…    5 OYO

Mosey to the shelter out front:

3 rounds of Ciabatta:

Each round = 7 exercises for 1 min each plus 2 min run/rest:


  1. 1 Merkin then come up into low Squat position:
    1. Progression: dynamic Merkin to squat position back to merkin, repeato
  2. Low Flutter;
  3. 2x2x2 Squats: 2 air squats, 2 slow squats, 2 jump squats: repeat sequence
  4. 1 Merkin with Peter Parker Knees on each side
    1. Progression: Merkin with horizontal knee tuck in, back down into Merkin
  5. Sprinter Abs
  6. Mary Katherines
  7. Tuck Jump Burpees with a clap

2 minutes to run up to a short suicide route across the parking lot (half way across, then all the way) and return to the shelter.  Any leftover time allowed for rest before the next round.

Not quite enough time to do a 4th round, so moseyed back to start.



Led PAX in a sun salutation to work on stretching after the tabatta movements.


Each PAX called out an exercise: Starfish = boxcutter, Schnieder = Penguin Crunches, Sea-man = Freddy Mercs, fin.


  • Green Nest is the only being led by F3 on the 3rd Saturday of October (off the 1st Saturday)
    • They need any furniture or home goods that a person needs for moving into an apartment or new space.  Great opportunity to provide for people in our community.
  • Prayers, thoughts, concerns:
    • Starfish voiced challenges for 2 of his boys and that they are able to overcome their struggles.
    • YHC struggles with patience and is well aware that good and bad pr
  • Bullwinkle walked up on us; he was working out in the Y as he recovers from a calf muscle issue.  Happy to have him with, especially for COT. Stay patient and steady so you can recover!