hurricane oktoberfest

QIC: Crash

Date: 10/1/2022

PAX: subfloor, ziggy stardust, bullwinkle, tweety bird, van gogh, crash

Hurricane Oktoberfest

Not the most recent hurricane now in the northeast – the previous one in early October!

Better late than never.

Warm up. Get the blocks. Bring to covered area. Epic hurricane themed playlist. There are a lot of songs called ‘hurricane’ – a lot of good ones too.

From covered area to covered area, front left of the ROCC hurricanes on the left Oktoberfest on the right.
# called determined as we went.

Heels to heaven

Upright Row

Ranger merkins




Alternating shoulder taps

Nolan ryan

Elbow to knee

Overhead press

Kraken Burpee (burpee, 3 HR merkins)

Tie Fighters

Outlaw (big O)


Elf on the shelf

Russian Twists

Freddie merc

Elbow plank (90 s)

Skull crushers

Tempo merkin (3d1u)