The Frosty Launchpad!

QIC: Schlitz

Date: 11/14/2022

PAX: Palin, Burns, woebegone and myself!



20 side straddle hop

20 imperial walker

20 hillbilly


mosey to the track for a warm up lap

four different beer boxes (cones to run to) each section is further and further away.
start with ten burpees at the track.
*run to first section and do 20 merkins and run back to starting point, touch and run to 2nd beer box a bit further out.
*30 LBC then run back to starting point, touch and run to third furthest section

*40 squats, run to starting point, touch and finally run all the way to the half way field point point. 50 single count side straddle hop!

*repeat entire process starting with ten burpees again. Entire process is repeated four times.

*catch your breath and mosey to the benches

*let’s grab some bench for 5 left leg step up, 5 right leg step ups and 5 dips.
*repeat with ten

*repeat with 15

*repeat with 20 then work back down.
*on your six!

*20 big O

*20 WW2

TIME. That’s the Thang! Great work from the dudes. Cheers!