Definitely NOT Dora

QIC: Adobe

Date: 12-1-22

PAX: Drama Queen, 60 MINUTES, Madoff, Drip, F3Schneider, Cruiser, Sour Mash, Adobe (Q )

Well, here we go again.

It was a brisk morning in #WeFoCo land and I had something special cooked up for the PAX.

Cruiser and Madoff helped me set up the “cones” across the parking lot and we got things rolling.


Usual suspects. SSH, Whirly, Arm Swirlies F&B, OH Clap, Michael Phelps. And then we even broke out The Blart. ( Assume the Al Gore position and start by leaning left, forward, right, and back. That’s 1. Did those a few times and I can see why that one lives on the Exicon and is not brought out from the playbook that often. )


I thought we would keep it “simple” and do a little slightly modified Dora.

After explaining the routine, a few PAX chimed in with ” that’s not Dora”, or ” you can’t call that Dora”.

Tough Crowd!

Regardless, we pressed on.

My version of slightly modified Dora went like this:

Partner Up. P1 starts with the listed exercise while P2 runs backwards to the different stations (3) set up in the parking lot. Upon reaching the station P2 completes 10 Merkins, then runs backwards to the next station. 10 more merkins there, and 10 more at the final station. P2 then sprints back to relieve P1. P2 then starts the listed exercise and P1 runs the stations.
Once P1 arrives back to the start, both P1 and P2 run the stations together. Fun, right? And totally Dora-esque. Who’s with me on this one?

Exercises ( Some with coupon, some without ) were: Merkins, LBC’s, Curls, American Hammers, Low Slow Squats, Diamond Merkins, Shoulder Press, KB Swings. ( See graphics below ).

Some got to the KB Swing portion, some to the Shoulder Press. Pretty sure there was a Q-Mutiny and the Diamond Merkins may have been omitted. ( I mean, we only got in about 400 or more regular Merkins already. )


LBC’s, Penguin Crunch, Mutton Crunch….TIME.



OUCH. Prayers for our arms!

Lot’s of convergences coming over the next month. Check Slack.

Prayers for Green Acres and Data.

YHC took us out.


Thank you again gentlemen. It’s always an honor to be able to beat down and be beaten down with you.

Until next time, #SYITG

Adobe – out.