The Matrix

QIC: Hansel

Date: 1/21/23

PAX: Van Gogh, Turnover, Madoff, Rudolph, Adobe, Subfloor, Zima, Bullwinkle, f3schneider, John Wait Blago, Tweetybird, Doogie

01010100 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01110011 01110101 01100011 01101011 01100101 01100100

“That sucked” in binary. Yes, I googled text to binary translator and the above sequence was generated. Being from silicon valley you would think I would be familiar with this language, but further could be from the truth. Luckily, Turnover and I agreed to join forces and split the cost for a University of Phoenix Binary Studies online course to get us caught up (insert joke here).

The impetus behind the matrix theme was threefold. Firstly, Slacks noticeable glitches especially when it regards pre-blasts for a Hansel Q. Secondly, the previous weeks confusion about converging or not. YHC said let’s converge, and notified Van Gogh to add me to the calendar for the following week. A last second no convergence call, meant YHC had the privilege to Q Alcatraz two weeks in a row (human glitch). Lastly, Subfloor being the overzealous PAX with thoughtful Q’s put the pressure on when asking about Blue Pills and Red Pills. Game on! YHC even brought the only blue pill he owns for visual effect.

The only rules were to keep the reps at either 0,1,10,100.


10ea SSHs, Whirly w/clap, Abe Vigodas, Michael Phelps, Arm Swirlies (the first and last arm swirlies for this PAX)

The Thang

Pick a partner

Group #1

100 each


Spider man burpees or modified hurpee’s. Who knows the name, but it sucked.


Group #2

Station 1

Moseyed to the lower parking lot. Four cones were setup approximately 25 yards apart in a square.
Grab rock, and begin. Rock crawl to cone 2, side to side plank walk (?) to cone 3 w/rock, backwards rock crawl to cone 4, side to side plank walk back to cone 1.
Mosey back to Group #1 and switch.

Station 2

100 toe taps followed by suicides, then mosey back to station 1 and repeat rock crawls. Mosey back and switch.

Station 3

Complete Station 2 again, then mosey to Church wall. Wall sit with 100 jack reachers, followed by 10ea elevated mountain climbers, plank walkups, T-push up to ISO against wall (left side then right). Mosey back and switch.

Everything sucked equally so the only respite was the slow mosey from station to station. Initially meant as a Dora type workout, YHC realized Van Gogh completed 35 reps of each exercise during one rd and made the necessary audible. New rules, everyone was to complete 100 each pull-ups, burpee things, and thrusters. Take that Van Gogh!!

Announcements and Prayers

F3 Winston Salem T-shirts are available to purchase for a limited time. Here are the links!

F3 Winston Salem Pre-Order January 2023

F3 9 Years Dash Pack Pre-Order January 2023

Prayers for Leigh Fritz as she’s been under the weather for quite some time now.


After recital of F3 mission statement and core principles, the PAX had a “choice” to take the red pill or blue pill. The red pill, despite the ominous warning from YHC was “chosen”. YHC popped the blue pill for extra long stamina and Warmarama commenced.

While YHC is perfectly able to execute a Warmarama, the PAX had other ideas. Rudolph made clear there really wasn’t a choice for a blue pill workout. Turnover preferred a lengthier hold time for Abe Vigodas,  Van Gogh was quick to note the arm swirly thingy’s should never follow Michael Phelps. The biggest surprise was no snarky comments from Zima. Perhaps he used up his quota during SuperMax.

Admittedly, YHC was debating himself regarding reps for pull-ups, thrusters and burpees, but with the All star cast of PAX in attendance, the decision was made to forgo Dora and allow each PAX the opportunity for maximum gain. 100 reps of each! Not one gripe or groan was heard so YHC felt good about the ultimate decision.

However, the lack of griping and groaning ended once The Thang began. The combination of pull-ups to burpees to thrusters made the Murph seem like an adequate warmup.

Perhaps it was the intensity of the workout or the class of people in attendance, but YHC heard mostly breathing and hearts pulsating trying to circulate blood to the appropriate extremity. In the case of YHC the blue pill directed the orchestra.

For Adobe, his body acted as it should and diverted blood promptly to the appendages in need. The jack reachers were a welcoming sight for churchgoers who waived back as they parked their cars. One of the folks even ventured into our F3 family and asked if this was the Mens group. Adobe greeted the man with open arms only to realize they didn’t know each other. Commentary was made by Turnover, but I won’t repeat it.

Toetag was surprised to see 13 PAX all in need of CPR and immediately got to work. PAX agreed not to resuscitate YHC if he falls during one of his Q’s.

YHC ended with prayer and how grateful he is to know these individuals and how they make him a better person. Zima finally got in his snarky comment and The Thang ended.

01010100 01101000 01100001 01101110 01101011 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100001 01101100 01101100 00100001