Burpees and Blocks at Distillery

QIC: Ziggy Stardust

Date: 2/9/23

PAX: Adobe, Schlitz, Sea-Man, Palin, 60 Minutes, Ziggy Stardust (Q)

It’s been a while since YHC has been to Distillery, and while a few of the regulars were away traveling, was surprised to see that Palin and Schlitz had made the trek out west. 60 Minutes pulled up shortly and handed off a full size tyrannosaurus rex dinosaur costume for Palin to wear to his son Mark’s upcoming third birthday party. That should be interesting….Sea-Man and Adobe arrived, and after some comments about the Q’s Doc Brown hair was time to get going on a balmy February morning.


SSH, Up and Down Dogs, Whirlies, Abe Vigodas


Perusing the f3 exicon YHC noticed some burpee variations so decided to try out a few.

Do one of the burpee variations- run to the end of the parking lot – one burpee – then run back. Repeat five times:

1-Regular Burpee

2-Body Builders  (go to plank, merkin,  do a plank jack, return to standing)

3-4×4 Burpee (go to plank, 4 merkins, 4 mountain climbers, return to standing)

4-KrakenBurpees (add three hand release merkins)

5-Squatees (begin burpee from squat position, return to squat position, then to standing)


First set 20 reps each exercise, then 15, 10 and 5

Lunge walk to midpoint of parking lot and back between sets

Chess Presses

Low Flutter with Block


Overhead Press

Kettle Bell Swings

Skull Crushers

Squat Thrusters




LBCs / Box Cutters / Alabama Prom Dates / Pickle Pounders


For all our new fathers in the PAX to have the guidance – the the stamina – as they embark on the trials and the joys of parenthood. Glad to see things are going great for Schlitz and that he’s able to get out now and then.

YHC took us out.


Opted for a late 70s  high school memories playlist  inspired from Madoff’s Q at Parliament. This was a jovial group for such an early hour and the MC quickly started to go in some unexpected directions after the ‘teapot’ exercise (which I got from Workbench a few weeks ago). After Palin’s impressive rendition of ‘I’m a little Teapot’ we learned a suspiciously well-memorized version popular on UNC campus during his college days which, let’s say, wasn’t exactly appropriate for a church parking lot. YHC, being a tea drinker, will take a while to get that expunged from memory. Realizing Hansel was reminiscing about bad valentine experiences over at W.I.B. the chatter started to degenerate even more with Alabama (and then Mississippi) prom dates during the Mary.

Great group and enjoyed the lift getting out early and starting off the day in good F3 style! Solid group of men and honor to lead as always.