The Dobby Decathlon

QIC: Rudolph

Date: 2.25.2023

PAX: Subfloor, Crash, Huckleberry, Cruiser, Dobby, Van Gogh

I’d asked Van Gogh if I could Q way back in early January, this was the first spot open.  That’s a good thing!  I told my 14 year old Dobby (Hank) that I had the Q and wanted him to come.  He was excited to help me Q and plan a workout, and since he’s done with basketball now so he’s all about it.  I’m actually proud of how set he is regarding exercise and nutrition…..but he’s also feeling a bit too good 🙂  Anyways, we tried to link up and create a joint Q with his Muay Thai and my boxing past, but too busy a week.  So I thought I’d surprise him with something fun, the Dobby Decathlon.

The Thang:

Warm-up – standard full body.

Jacob’s Ladder – I thought we should check a box for standard fitness, so we ran to the hill and did a classic.  Run up 1 Burpee (clap), down you go, back up for 2.  Repeat-o for 7.  A few weeks ago someone remarked that Guns ‘n Roses was on their Dad’s playlist when Crash Q’d.  Lame.  You all can have your Nickelback and Limp Bizket garbage.  So it was cheesy 80’s music today.  All enjoyed.

Event #1 – Plank – pretty simple, be the last man standing.  Huckleberry hung in with Dobby and it looked endless, so I called it.  Dobby won this one.

Dora – another box checker, let’s partner up for 100 merkins, 200 squats, 300 LBC’s.  Everyone did great.  Crash recognized Axel F on the speaker.  We may be old Crash, but we’re wise and have tast.  Box checked, let’s move on to….

Event #2 – Shoulder Presses – revenge of the Dad here, no contest.  I think Van Gogh said he did 80 in the 60 seconds.  Brutal.

Event #3, 4, 5, 6 – Relay race.  We paired up, and the first event was a dead 30 yard sprint.  He got me on this one, but just barely.  Then back down was lunge walking.  I barely squeaked it out.  Back again was Bear Crawling where Dad won a close one, but the last Crab Walk I got smooooked by him.  Props to Van Gogh for going after the young buck, he called that it was a tie  between them.  I was too far behind to see.

Event #7 – Hang – simple, grab the bar and hang.  Cruiser held in with them very well to the last, I may have been the first one out.  Van Gogh and Dobby started to shake the bar to get each other loose.  Dobby beat Dad.

Event # 8 – Curls.  I’ll not bore you with the details, adults won.

Event #9 – Al Gores – I won this by default because he messed up to adjust his stance and I called him on it.  This was a cheap way to win, I have ZERO regrets.

Jack Webb – Time to interrupt with some standard fitness, let’s do the Jack Webb!  After some confusing introductions by your humble correspondent, we finally got it.  Here, Dobby sat it out because his abdominal pain was getting to him.  More on that later.  Time to head back to start for…

7MOM – round the circle we go, everyone did something to 10 except Subfloor.  He did his to ELEVEN in honor of Dr. Toot.  Good looking out.

Event # 10 – Did he do it?  We got short on time so I’ll say that Event 10 was whether Dobby would push himself for the whole hour.  He did.  He went to bed with an abdominal pain last night, likely from pushing himself so hard earlier in the week.  But, while at the Y at 6:00 a.m. he also tripped an alarm door due to dunderheadedness.  14 year old boys, all balls and brains, and they never have a balance of the two.  But anyways, Dobby made me proud in his effort, just like the rest of the guys there at Alcatraz.


  • Van Gogh friend from middle school was tragically kidnapped and murdered.  Awful circumstances, but it’s a moment to notice that your reaching out to someone from you past is a good thing.  Remember, everyone likes a call and a compliment, you can never go wrong with those.  Pray for Ben Beason family and friends.
  • Crash’s cousin still continues on with the struggles we heard about a few weeks ago.  Pray up for him, cousin and family.
  • Cheers to Lamb Chop and 5 dollar footlong on their new babies!  Enjoy your nights, gents…..HAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.  They’ll be 14 before you know it.
  • Cheers to Cruisers’ boy turning 8!  Fun age.  If you didn’t know it, G.I. Joe cartoon runs 24/7 on Youtube for free.  If I’d had that as a kid…

YHC took us out in prayer.  Go forth and do good men, and remember that Spring is coming so it’s time to headlock people again.  You know they need F3, they just don’t know that they need F3.  Get ’em, and have a blessed week.