404 Day

QIC: Burns

Date: 4.4.23

PAX: Mutton, Frostbite, Starfish, Burns

Today is 404 day, also known as Atlanta’s birthday, except it’t not really the birthday it’s just Atlanta’s area code so the city PR has done a great job turning it into something marketable. Obviously worth celebrating by designing a workout loosely based around the number 4: 4 stations, 4 exercises per station, 4 sets of 10 reps per exercise. Unlike Atlanta, Reynolda Village was devoid of traffic this morning and we were able to make quick work of our prescribed route, which went something like this:

WoR: SSH x20, Imperial walkers x10, Copperhead squats x10, Michael Phelps x10

Station 1: Fountain. R leg step ups, L leg step ups, Dips, and Squats

Station 2: Lower lot by the field. Merkins, Lbcs, Bonnie Blairs, Heels to heaven

Station 3: The bridge. Derkins, Calf raises, Irkins, Side lunges

Station 4: Lower lot by the launch. American hammers, Low flutters, Freddie Mercs, Low dollys

Station 4 was supposed to be Mary, but we wrapped up all 4x4x10 stations with 14 minutes to spare so we embarked on another trip through the stations with only 1 set of 10 apiece to get us back to launch at 0613. Some quick maths revealed we had done 800 reps, so 8 burpees were called to round our tally up to 808 to double up on the 404 day theme.  Everyone was thrilled.

The whole group was able to stick together nicely and made light work of the called exercises. I really thought we were going to be up against the clock but it turns out the trusty weinke didn’t quite get the job done this morning. I’ve never really had doubts about my weinke’s performance in the past, but now I’m a little shaken up.

We gave Schlitz the Q next week, carrying on the tradition of handing it off to someone who HCs and then has to renege their commitment.

Prayers were lifted for the Dixon family & for pax going through chemo

Wobegon, thanks for the keys. I’ll get em to Schlitz. If you need me you can find me in the A.