Late but Dry. Mostly.

QIC: Turnover

Date: 4.7.23

PAX: Lambchop , Drip , Schlitz (WB) , Post Hole , Rubber Ducky , Discount (Carpex) , Dr. Toot (WD) , Turnover (Q)

After a wild 2 weeks away from The Dash, YHC was finally back home and ready to knock off the rust that had accrued over weeks of passport catastrophes, international travel, and spring break trips with small children. The realization that I had the Q at #UA today came late, but I knew what had to be done: destroy myself with a brutal beatdown and anybody that posted would be collateral damage.

First day back in a while and already firing on all cylinders: woke up late, got behind every slow driver there was, and got to the AO 3 minutes late. #MassiveQFail

Luckily, all assembled PAX were afraid of the light sprinkle that had started and headed to the parking deck (which was where I was going to take them anyway).

Warm O Rama already underway, so YHC just joined in.

After a few Hillbillies, it was time to relieve the Site Q of his impromptu Q duties.


At the railroad tracks, 10 Pull Ups and 10 Knees-to-Chest

Mosey a few feet to the first level of the parking deck for:

Station 1

20 Merkins, 20 Squats, 20 Freddie Mercs (DC), 10 Burpees

Back to the tracks for 10 Pull Ups and 10 Knees-to-Chest

Jailbreak to level 2 of parking deck for:

Station 2

20 Diamond Merkins, 20 Bobby Hurley’s, 20 WW2s, 10 Burpees

Mosey back down the deck to the tracks for 10 Pull Ups and 10 Knees-to-Chest

Jailbreak to level 3 of parking deck for:

Station 3

20 Wide Merkins, 20 RDLs (10 each leg), 20 gas pumps, 10 Burpees

You guessed it: Back to the tracks for 10 Pull Ups and 10 Knees-to-Chest

Jailbreak to level 4 of parking deck for:

Station 4

20 HR Merkins, 20 Squat Jacks, 20 H2H’s, 10 Burpees

One more time: Back to the tracks for 10 Pull Ups and 10 Knees-to-Chest

Jailbreak to Level 2 Level 3 of the deck for:

Station 5

20 10 Clap Merkins, 20 Lt. Dan’s, 20 Low Flutters, 10 Burpees

Running out of time so head down the stairs and mosey back to launch

The rain was pretty steady and we had a few minutes to kill, so circle up for


20 Low Flutters

Huck’s Stupid Merkins x2



Announcements: IS will converge at Purgatory for a @Bloodsport Q.

Prayer Requests: @Thistle’s hip, @Starfish and @Frostbite and their family, @Lambchop and sharing his faith with others ahead of Easter

YHC took us out thanking Him for our blessings and for the gift of His Son Jesus and the work He did for us on the cross.


My sincerest of apologies for showing up late for my own Q. What a dingus.

Even though I was late, the assembled PAX who had begun their warm up welcomed YHC with open arms, totally unaware of the brutality that I had in store for them.

@Drip wasted no time asking me how my #Eurotrip went. PTSD: Engaged.

@Lambchop made his presence felt with strong MC, per the usual. It ranged from asking for the # of pullups to be reduced during the first set, to telling me that I could have stayed with his cousins in Dallas instead of sleeping outside security at DFW. NOW YOU TELL ME??

@Rubber Ducky was going full-@Rubber Ducky all morning with witty quips and encouraging banter. He and I also discussed the high concentration of Bald Eagles in the Pfafftown area. #TheMoreYouKnow

@Root Canal was an absolute animal all morning and even with my Q juices pumping, I was chasing him up the parking deck the whole time. #Stud

@Post Hole wondered aloud if Tony Horton has aged a day since the early 2000’s. Opinions varied.

@Schlitz was 1st Team All #Grit today. He was grinding through a few of the sets, but made light work of the parking deck ramps. #CruiseControl

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: @Drip was all smiles the entire time. He and I discussed some of the details of my travels and the nuances of closing international business deals.

Really enjoyed getting after it with @Discount from #Carpex who was in town to see his brother who is a physician at Wake. He was rocking a dook pullover and barely broke a sweat. He also apparently got his name because he is a credit card points and travel guru. He was appalled to hear that I didn’t fly business class on my trip to the UK and since the conclusion of the workout has sent me no less than 9 WhatsApp voice memos detailing how I can be less of an idiot when it comes to travel and rewards points usage.

Being away from WS and F3 for the better part of 2 weeks really took a toll on me from a stamina perspective, but also an emotional perspective. I can’t say enough how thankful I am for this group of men and the friendship and accountability you all provide to me. Glad to be home.

Thanks for the keys, @Post Hole. I had them with me when I left the AO, but can’t find them now. They’re probably still at Ardmore Coffee.

It is genuinely always an honor to lead.