Size Mattered

QIC: Schlitz

Date: 4/6/23

PAX: Palin, wobegone, green acres, Ziggy stardust, argyle, d-day, goofy, drip and me!

This morning 9 pax with a dream of no running showed up to TRQ. It felt warmer and ten times more humid than it’s been in a hot minute. So what better way to celebrate.


20 SSH

20 imperial walker

6 Abe Vigoda then stretch out them hips

15 Forward, reverse arm swirly things

15 overhead clap



bear crawl or lunge walk to first sidewalk section then five burpees

bear crawl/lunge walk  more to a couple light posts down and 5 burpees

Palin said the distances were too far so we added another stop and 5 burpees, finally made it to the end of the school and topped off with five final burpess.

Mosey to the rocks!


Grab a rock, don’t grab a massive rock. Just a regular ass rock. Is what I should’ve said. However I did not.

5  curls

5 skull crusher

5 kettle swings

5 bent over row

Take your rock, rifle carry around that little grassy area back to the lit area. Repeat the last set but with ten reps each. Then rifle carry, 15 reps of everything, rifle carry then 20. We repeated everything as we went back down the ladder. I certainly underestimated the constant rifle carrying but everyone pushed through and killed it!

Next was a mosey to the empty pool looking area? Was so excited I forgot to wait for the pax to go down the hill as I was the only one with a light.

Leg Stuff

25 slutty potty

25 monkey humpers

25 jump squats

20 right leg step ups

20 left leg step ups

Time started getting super close so we fast moseyed back to launch for merry world.

20 WW2

20 Low Flutters



It’s so good to get out and be with this group. As a new Dad I feel challenged so many times through the day. Getting to these workouts with you dudes is every bit of the glue helping me to stay focused and be the best dad I can be. Thank you all for everything.

Let’s continue to pray for green acres as he’s halfway through treatment and still outshining most of us. Dudes a monster. #bigswollentesticles

pray for new dads, old dads, not dads and all the above.

If I have forgotten anything then I do apologize. Fantastic work this morning!