wib at speakeasy

QIC: crash

Date: 2023/04/13

PAX: Dr. Toot, Bullwinkle, Huckleberry, Zima, Crash

YHC signed up for this one a couple to a few weeks ago at Mayhem, and have been thinking about it ever since. There is a distance focused AO I’d had in my thoughts that I’ll try on a later date, and another one I’m not sure has been done on some particularly bad hills near hanes park (not the one you normally think of). YHC attended conspiracy where Zima was the Q, and we did a wib-ish workout involving hills near hanes park. So, crossed that option off the list for Thurs morning. While complaining in jest to zima he took my plan he said something about ‘too bad I won’t be there, I have to be at home Thurs morning’… ‘unless you want to do WIB in my backyard’… so… I seized the opportunity to get at least one HC to my Q and scheduled WIB in Zima’s backyard.


SSH x 20
IST x 21
Burpees x 3
Hillbillies x 20?
Burpees x 3
AST x 11 FW, x 11 BW
Some weird 3 point stance stretch thing from the plank position like the 2nd half of a nolan ryan, trying to crack the lower back, each side
From the 6, left leg up and over the right, to the ground, and the same on the other side, also trying to crack the lower back
Managed to announce these exercises in such a manner it started to sound inappropriate, sorry for that.

The workout

Was going to use 0.5 mile loop around inner track by playground and the track… but given the darkness stuck to just the inner loop. At far end, did 5, then 10, then 5, then 11, then 7, then pretty much 11 and 7 burpees each lap. Dr. Toot gets a pass for being the Site Q and insisting on the 7 and 11 numbers. It’s no big deal, I was making it up as I went along anyway.

At the table / playground Zima had furnished an empty bucket for my shivs (shims) with exercises, the workout in a bucket, 2 large cinder blocks, one small, one 50 lb sandbag, one other sandbag full of rocks, and a lantern.

Each lap, PAX take turns drawing a shim and do 20 or 10, Q calls, ladder style – adding each time.We did 1.88 miles, I guess that was 9 or 10 laps.

exercises were:

Flutter kicks x 20 DC
Overhead press x 20
Merkins x 20
Skull crushers x 10
Freddie merc x 20 DC
Monkey humpers x 10
WW2 x 10


10 penguin crunch in cadence
ring of fire starting with 5 merkins

NMM/ Announcements / Prayers

Meadowlark Sat @ 3 they are building some playground equipment. Its for the children! Contact Huckleberry.

Prayers for Starfish, Frostbite family, Funeral Sun 3 pm First Pres.
Prayers for all affected by murder suicide in W-S Tues

YHC took us out with a passage Psalm 4 plus prayers for these things.

Thanks to everyone for showing up and for sticking with me the whole workout. I know it was not very wib-ish but it was good to stick together for this one.

Bullwinkle has an interesting text chain you’ll have to ask him to learn more. He seemed to have formed a ultra workout group of some type for a SC race that YHC has a team now that I was unaware of!

Dr. Toot gets props for always appreciating that i go out of my way to do 11 of things just for him.

I know Huck and Zima were putting the governor on a bit to help me with the 2nd F and I appreciate it.

Kudos to Zima, I thought I was walking out to an empty playground in the dark and heard grunting and it was a few moments before I could find the source – Zima, finishing a murph, in the dark.

Great to see Bullwinkle and Dr. Toot making the lower extremity comebacks that they are and doing a bit of running today.