
QIC: Rudolph

Date: 5.23.2023

PAX: Adobe, Dr. Toot, Cruiser, Madoff, Animal, Recess, Schneider, Drama Queen, Subfloor, Ziggy Stardust

Adobe was kind enough to challenge me to Q, so let’s get to it.  Pulled an old workout that I hadn’t done in years.  People start rolling in, and before you know it we had eleven (11!!!!!  All you, Dr. Toot) leaders ready to sharpen iron.  I didn’t recite the customary Dash-Strong preamble, because, well, everyone here knows why they are here.  We’re going to pay the daily man-bill that comes with being a HIM, and not only that I think I said we would choke it the hell out.  #2.0 friendly….I did say no running, no burpees, and this would be easy.  Be careful what you wish for.

Warm-Up – full body stuff, in cadence:  side-straddle hops, arm circles, chain breakers, swimmers, Whirly with a clap, quickmills, sprawls, lunge with a twist.  A sprawl is not a burpee….I am a man of my word.

Let’s line up and head towards the hill.  The pax had trouble with a single file line.  #DashStrong/ProcessSlow.  I was introduced to this magnificent landscape with an excellent Drama Queen Q, pushing the stone (rock) of Sisyphus.  No rock today, but I like this hill.  I said it would be an easy workout, and it was, that is to execute the pattern.  Up to you to make it harder or easier.

The Thang:  1 minute of a plyometric exercise selected by me, then head down the hill, and then we all bear crawl back up it.  Plyometric exercises are the opposite of low-zero impact, they are high-impact and baboon-heart-makers.  Constant burn, only break was walking down the hill only to turn around and crawl.  So, it was a simple set-up.  The exercises were:

Squat Thrusters, Plyo Lateral Lunges, Lunge to Knee Up, Plyo Push Ups (clap), Box hop (bunny hop making a box pattern), Long Jump, Frog Jump (monkey humper to a jump), Sprawl to Tuck jump (awful), One legged L Hop, Russian Get-ups.

The first bear crawl up the hill saw a race being conducted that I fully enjoyed, but still lost to Animal and Madoff.  I don’t think we ever really stopped racing, everyone moved really well each set.  Only on 2 trips did we Omaha to Karoka (Recess called it).  I think I enjoyed putting a bounty on Animal’s head the most, but none of us caught him.  Cruiser and Madoff may be part bear, there was a little something going on there.  I can’t fault anyone for their effort.  At the start I said I really only have ever had one rule when I Q:  you can slow-down, you can substitute, you can go faster and whip my ass, but you can never quit.  Hats off, men.

We lined up and old-man-mall-walked back to start with 4 minutes to spare.  Mary time, we got halfway through the circle until TIME!  COT time, and I asked how they liked Plyometrics.  Subfloor said something about “where’s the fire”, and he lost me….finally someone said PYRO, and I got it.  I called him a peckerhead and we’re all the better for it.  I like that shirt, btw Subfloor.

Announcement:  Convergence Monday at Iron Throne, and a Murph at Alcatraz after (imagine that….).   Toot as the Q at Mayhem tomorrow, I say he IS the mayhem.  I persisted in holding the COT until Adobe had at least a pencil in on early Q’s in June, Madoff stepped up.  I like the cut of your jib, sir.

Prayers:  Zima, Palin & Greenspan, all for health.  I didn’t say them at the time, like a dummy, but here’s more:  Jodi, Wendy, Beth.  Pray up men.

MOLESKIN:  I heard someone (Adobe?) say that “those bear crawls started to add up”.  Well, so does pushing the rock.  I like this kind of workout because for that full minute it’s you vs. you.  Then, we go down and back as a team, leaving no man behind.  Great way to get after it.  Plyo stuff is a good cardio-getter, and that hill is the stuff of dreams.  I’ll be seeing that one soon, Q’ing at one of the finest AO’s around, the Parliament.  A pleasure to serve.

PLAYLIST – by popular demand, and by popular I mean Site Q.  Site Q rules.  O’DOYLE RULEZ.

*part of my lifting playlist, highly recommend.  If you have Amazon Music I can zap it over.

World Destruction – Time Zone

Ch-Check it Out – Beastie Boys

Orion – Metallica

John the Fisherman – Primus

Jump Around – House of Pain

Aces High – Iron Maiden

I Am the Law – Anthrax

Let There Be Rock – AC/DC

Motorhead – Hawkwind (didn’t get to this one, sadly….)