A Saturday to remember

QIC: Schlitz

Date: 6/10/2023

PAX: D-day, Blood sport, Wobegone, Superfly, Ziggy stardust, Linus, Green Acres, Burlap, starfish, undertow, splash, touch me not, Bluto, Boomerang, and Schlitz!

What a morning! 15 pax out on a beautiful Saturday morning. I don’t think I’ve ever had this many show up so that was sick to see. Thank you guys coming out this morning to post with me. Cheers!

Warmarama- 20 ssh

10 imperial

10 hillbilly

10 Abe vigoda

Keep legs spread, lean back and stretch all your goodies

worley and his clap


Let’s get into this-mosey to the track for catch me if you can. Man in the back drops and does 15 merkins then sprints to catch up and take the lead. Only one lap so all who didn’t get to do merkins did them when we rounded back to the tennis courts.

Tennis time, pac instructed to line up along the lines and murder bunny (we didn’t have blocks so I guess they were alive bunnies) but bunny to each line then do 1 Mike Tyson. Murder bunny to the next line and do 2 Mike Tyson’s. Continue this trend until the end of three tennis courts.

Turn around and crab walk to each line, each line is 2 LBC. Increase by 2 each time another line is reached. Everyone LOVED this. There was little to no complaining. In fact, people were clearly grateful they got up to do this.

Done with the courts and back to the track to mosey to the rock pile. During the jog we did knee highs, side ways running both directions and backwards jogging.

Grab a medium sized rock and head to the wall and partner up.

Whilst one partner does ten curls the other holds balls to the wall then repeat. Three rounds of this, this three rounds of skull crushers instead of curls. Three rounds again.  Then a nice mix of alternating workouts with your rock.

10 side to side merkins

10 prisoner stand ups

10 bent over row

10 prisoner stand ups

10 squats with your rock

john cusack your rock back to the pile and let’s mosey to that pool area.

Basic leg work but wanted to make sure all part is the body were hit.

15 of everything

right leg step up

left leg stand up

squatty potty

star jumps

Calf raises


Mosey back to launch for merry.

20 WW2

20 low flutter

10 big O with 5 reps going each way

10 box cutters

1 of bucks stupid push-ups -don’t Q it if you can’t do it.

At random pac we’re selected to fill up the remaining five minutes of merry.

I’m so thankful for this group of guys. Everyone killed it today. Let your mind be the strength for your body, get out and be the strength for your community. Cheers to a baller weekend 🍻


  • Undertow
    June 10, 2023 2:47 pm

    Great Q Schlitz!

  • Burlap
    June 13, 2023 6:46 am

    This workout sucked. That is, it sucked the breath from my lungs. Schlitz forgot the 10 irkins and 10 derkins at the Lido Deck because his brain was oxygen deprived. Schlitz was having too much fun.

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