Impossible Situation

QIC: Mutton

Date: 07/08/2023

PAX: Mutton, Palin, Lambchop, Blades of Glory

As YHC approached Hanes Park I was a little apprehensive.  How many would be there?  Would anyone be there?  You just never know what to expect at the the first AO of the Dash Pax.  Alas, three brave souls awaited my arrival.

I had lost a little sleep dreading what I had worked up for the hour.  After missing Tractors on Friday, I was determined to get in some running.  And Run we did.  It went something like this.

Warm-a-rama with a slow mosey out of the lot for a lap around the Y.  We finished at the base of The Intimidator for the standard SSH, Imperial Walkers, Abe Vigoda and other stretches. 6/10ths of a mile

The Thang:

Run to the top of The Intimidator followed by 20 burpees.  Run back to the base for 5 burpees and an ab exercise.

Run to Jersey – repeat

Run to the private drive – repeat

Run to the first stop sign – repeat.

That’s 100 burpees and about 8/10ths of a mile, but it felt worse

Mosey to the track for a progressive Seven Layers of Dip.

The idea was to complete one layer of dip and run a lap.  Then repeat that layer and add a second layer of dip before running another lap.  This would eventually total 8 laps and 2 miles.

Unfortunately, time was not on our side.  We managed to complete 1 layer of dip and a lap, then we added 2 layers of dip followed by a lap, then added another 2 layers followed by a lap.  I think we got in 4 laps as time ran out.

Per Palin and Lambchop we got in somewhere between 2.9 and 3.1 miles.  With the humidity, it felt like 5.


COT:  Prayers for Palin’s friend Melissa for negative cancer test results and Chris Jones as he recovers from surgery.