QIC: Mutton

Date: 07/06/2023

PAX: Mutton, Dr Toot, Crash, Greenspan, Zima

5 Pax made it out to the Thruway Shopping Center on a very muggy Thursday morning.  In the spirit of WIB we had a short warm-a-rama and got right to it.  YHC always likes to design a WIB work out with 50% running and 50% strength.  I think most Pax got in a little over 2.5 miles in just less than 40 minutes.

We started with 10 Burpees

20 LBCs

20 Merkins

20 Squats

20 Jane Fondas

20 Dips

Take a lap around 1/2 of the center.

After each lap increase each exercise by 5, except the Burpees.  We worked our way up to 30 reps and back down to 20 in our 5 laps.

Great job by all.

No special prayer requests.  YHC took us out in a sweaty COT.
