A Privilege to Serve at The Estate

QIC: Sassy

Date: 08/22/2023

PAX: Wobegon, Crash

YHC was tapped to dust off the Q experience this morning at The Estate. Crash reminded YHC that the last bootcamp Q may have been The Iron Throne this past winter. My how the time flies…and how lazy YHC has gotten in posting to bootcamps!


SSH x15 IC
Copperhead Squats x10 IC
Abe Vigoda x10 IC
Whirly w clap x10 IC
Toy Soldier x10 IC
Back stretches

Mosey to the soccer field. Omaha! Sprinklers were in full effect. YHC determined it was already humid enough as it was so we found a smaller than expected parking lot instead.

The Thang

Mini Individual Dora: in between each exercise, run around the parking lot.
50 Mountain climbers (each leg)
100 SSHs
150 Fast feet (each foot)

Mini Individual Dora #2:
50 Merkins
100 Imperial Squat Walkers
150 LBCs


Mutton Crunch x 15 IC each side
Penguin Crunch x20 IC
LBCs x20 IC
Fire Hydrants x15 IC

Announcements/Prayer Requests

Wobegon brought up keeping all those who have kids going back to school. Most certainly need to keep all those families in your prayers!


YHC thoroughly enjoyed being back in the Q seat this morning. It seemed like a relatively short workout considering we only got through two rounds of Dora. The squat walkers really added time to the workout. We covered 1.5 miles so there was still a good running element to it!

Sassy out! See you on a (slow) run!